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Lack of openness. Outdated work culture.

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Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung bei Inselgruppe AG in Bern gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Die anfänglichen Arbeitsbedingungen klingen attraktiv, insbesondere angesichts der Größe des Unternehmens und der Möglichkeiten, die es bieten könnte.

The initial working conditions sound attractive, especially given the size of the company and the possibilities it could offer.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Ein seelenloses Unternehmen. Seine interne Funktionsweise ist leider durch eine überholte Arbeitskultur kontaminiert.

A soulless company. Its internal functioning is unfortunately contaminated by an outdated work culture.


Aufgeschlossenheit. Strukturen und Personal modernisieren. Eine Kultur der echten Zusammenarbeit fördern und den Wert der derzeitigen Mitarbeiter mit dem der neu eingestellten in Einklang bringen. Verbesserung der Möglichkeiten zur Bewertung und Kontrolle von Vorgesetzten, denn derzeit gibt es keine Möglichkeit, ihre Arbeit zu bewerten.

Open-mindedness. Modernize structures and personnel. Encourage a culture of real collaboration and balance the value of current employees with fresh hires. Increase the possibilities of evaluation and control of managers, currently there is no way to evaluate their work.


Stagnant atmosphere. Positions filled by people with a lot of seniority not open to new contributions or improvements in working relationships.


Poor focus on employee needs. Although internal marketing works well, it gives a false idea of belonging to a common project far from the daily life of the employees.


Difficult to evaluate, it depends on the department and how you fit in. In my experience respectful people but with relationship dynamics not very open to the difference, which makes it difficult to understand specific situations, generates misunderstandings with comments that can be interpreted as disrespectful. In general it makes the experience unpleasant.


Apparently open to work-life balance, the reality shows that this apparent openness is constantly undermined by comments pointing out the need to work longer hours for more days, which turns the initial agreement into a dead letter. Due to the lack of communication with employees, the possible reasons for such behavior are not made clear, which makes the work experience inauthentic and demotivating in the medium term.


It depends on the department but from what I have been able to verify many of the managers are people who accumulate a lot of experience in the company, something that should facilitate the integration to the job in a faster way and a daily inspiration to help the company move forward. However, I found that there is generally a lack of social skills to understand the needs of employees. Lack of empathy or interest to help the best personal development and performance of the employee's tasks with a poor team spirit, despite the effort to organize meetings or workshops of dubious value. A very heavy feeling of hierarchy, which is perhaps the reason that pushes many managers to act without a sense of team spirit.

Interessante Aufgaben

The sector in which the main activity is carried out makes the tasks themselves interesting. It is a very large company where there is a possibility to see many different aspects of management. Overall interesting.


The majority of department heads are men. The management style is clearly masculine and outdated with respect to the roles of men and women. One example: the only person responsible for the care, cleaning and maintenance of the office was the assistant, out of a staff of approximately 70% men and 30% women.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

In general, the same experience as with the rest of the colleagues. There is an atmosphere of resignation that affects the development of methodologies or dynamics more in line with the modern world. I could classify the treatment as respectful.


The means provided for the work are correct. In my particular case there were many specific tools requested that were ignored which directly affected the performance in the medium term. The adaptation time is increased by having to learn new methods without the help of the managers.


In the average of the companies in the sector


In the average of the companies in the sector


In the average of the companies in the sector.


In my experience, little help from managers in planning a realistic training scenario.



HR Marketing

Liebe Kollegin, lieber Kollege

Besten Dank für die ausführliche Rückmeldung. In der Tat gibt es verschiedene Herausforderungen zu meistern und wir arbeiten kontinuierlich daran, uns stetig zu verbessern. Die Spitalgruppe befindet sich in einer grossen Entwicklungsphase, was für unsere Mitarbeitende eine grosse Herausforderung darstellt, eröffnet ihnen aber gleichzeitig aussichtsreiche Perspektiven für die Zukunft.

Auf die Gleichstellung aller Mitarbeitenden legen wir sehr grossen Wert. Eine eigens gegründete Fachstelle für Gleichstellung und Vielfalt setzt genau in diesem Bereich Massnahmen um, um diese Kultur weiter zu fördern:
- Transparente Laufbahn- und Karrieremodelle
- Gleiche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten unabhängig des Beschäftigungsgrades oder Geschlecht
- Rahmenbedingungen für eine geschlechterausgeglichene Besetzung von Führungspositionen
- Gleichwertige Bezahlung für gleichwertige Arbeit, ungeachtet der Funktion oder Position

Beste Grüsse.

Ihre Insel Gruppe
