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HR & managers lied during interview about work environment, employement conditions and benefits.

Nicht empfohlen
FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Finanzen / Controlling bei Swissport International AG gearbeitet.


Starker Hass zwischen Führungskräfte und starke Hetze zwischen Mitarbeiter & Vorgesetzte


No teamworking. No help between colleagues.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The Team is working here since 20 years, directly after the university, always doing the same job, no career development and has no experience to understand and to accept any changes or improvements. They are rejecting any proposal to improve processes and job conditions. I have been talking to HR and to other top managers but there is no interest at all to improve.


I was supposed to work in an international enviroment and in english as agreed during the interview but here they speak strong swiss-german and they don't want to speak even German.


During interview both HR and Mangers lied on bonus and job conditions as parking availability, expense refund, train subscription refund, restaurants...


Until now I have not found a happy employee but they also don't complain. Very strange situation. All the employees I have met, when they can, they leave the company. All the others they stay here maybe 20 years and they are scared to lose the job.


No training at all. No training on the job. No clear processes. No clear documentation.




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Dear colleague,

First of all I want to thank you for your honest feedback.

Unfortunately you mentioned a few points which do not meet our corporate culture.
Swissport is a people focused organization, without our people we simply cannot meet our goals and achieve our visions.
Therefore we are putting our faith in diversity which means that every single employee should be honored, irrelevant of their origin.
I am feeling sorry to hear that you experienced the other way. I highly recommend to contact your superior, your local business partner or even your colleagues regarding this issue.
Since we are a global company, English is very distributed in other departments as well. Discrimination is not tolerated in any way. Which means, we should stand together and support each other regardless of the position held.
Furthermore leadership and development is the responsibility of the manager / the supervisor. HR supports superiors by providing adequate tools and trainings. Whenever possible we are trying to enhance the work life by (on the job) trainings, special tasks, promotions etc. I would like to forward your feedback to the departments in charge. Therefore I kindly ask you to provide us some more information, f.e regarding the interview situation where you feel you have been lied to - since arousing false information is fatal and not our standard. We do have our regulations regarding conditions, benefits etc.
Since improvement is a steady process, we highly rely on your detailed information. You can contact us (anonym.) via ch.recruiting@swissport.com or call the SpeakUp-Hotline.

It is very important to us that you feel comfortable in your work environment again and enjoy doing your work.

Best regards,
