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Great on the outside, but abusive on the inside.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Appsfactory in Leipzig gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

the colleagues

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

when you get hired, you get the misleading feeling, that the HR-Department cares for you.
They don't.
Instead of mediating between the worker's requests and the company's interests, they only represent the company.


Be more transparent.
Don't lie to your workers.
Take responsibility for your actions, instead of hiding the results, when they didn't work out.


It feels weird to work for this company, since the management is blaming us for their bad middle-management, while reducing our (almost non-existent) "benefits" to a minimum and is not taking responsibility for their decisions.
Also there have been almost no raises this year, since the management wanted to acquire a new company.

The competent and friendly colleagues are the only reason, I haven't left yet.


The more or less regular all-hands meetings don't feel honest at all. Management is dodging questions, they don't feel comfortable answering.
Also the new middle-management employees, don't take the time to explain their requests or communicate their problems transparently.
Instead they say "please submit your forms better" without enough context on how to accomplish their wishes.


It feels more and more like this company has a "good" and a "bad" side of the force (like in star wars).
The colleagues motivate each other and listen carefully, but the if you communicate your concerns to the "dark side", you have to fear getting laid off immediately, without further notice or transparent explanation. This has happened multiple times now.


pretty good, since the only requirements of the CXOs is that you are working on "billable" projects, which you have almost no control over.

But there is always time for more unhelpful meetings or plenty of coffee breaks.


Most direct superiors are competent, listen actively to your requests and take time to solve your problems with you, but you never know, what is being communicated behind your back.

Interessante Aufgaben

We haven't acquired a lot of new projects and we are only implementing "best practices", that we have already implemented.
Interesting tasks are only assigned to "high-performers".


Appsfactory brags with it's diversity, but never tells you about how foreigners get treated here.
Foreigners get way less income and almost no raises.

Also every working contract has some clauses like "don't talk about your income", which is illegal to prohibit in Germany. Management knows this, which is why they added the clause "if any clause doesn't apply, you can't sue us".
This has the consequence that foreigners stick to rules, that aren't legitimate, while fearing that they might get terminated.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Old people only get hired for management positions. Otherwise Appsfactory is always looking for cheap and young personell.
Confirmed by outsiders.

At least the get treated fairly.


No measures were taken. The highest paying client gets accepted.
Moral doesn't play a big role here.


As already stated, raises are almost always declined. The best performing people got a 3-5% raise this year.
Long-term workers might get skipped or denied, depending on their origin.

Benefits are mostly just so Appsfactory can say "we have benefits", but these benefits are just here so we aren't eligible to receive bonuses.
Also the company parties got downsized a lot this year. Maybe next year we will have no company party at all.


While transparency is not implemented, Middle-Management is investing a lot to show a good image to the outside:
- most kununu reviews feel payed
- final good bye messages to our af-general channel get reworked by management, if they don't like them
- new colleagues get cushioned to show them that everything works like a charm in this company


There used to be a 2 hour time frame for every employee to learn about new technologies and just keep up-to-date with tech changes.

This time frame got sneakily omitted years ago.


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