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Long and time consuming hiring process

Bewerber/inHat sich 2016 bei audibene GmbH in Berlin als Software Engineer beworben und sich schließlich selbst anders entschieden.


First things first: I got contacted by a member of the founding team on LinkedIn. Under a pretext I got handed over to HR right after the first mail and never heard anything nor met the initial contact again.

After a first call with HR I got invited to an interview on-site. After a long (1.5h) and enjoyable interview we talked not only about my future duties and responsibilities but had a pretty general chat about software architecture. I felt confident and looked forward to the next steps.

After that first interview I got invited to what they call a "test-day". That is a whole day spend on-site, working on a "real" problem in collaboration with the team and stakeholders. I was hesitant but finally accepted. Lucky me I did!

For the day I was told to bring my own device. After asking if I needed a certain configuration I was finally told that yes for sure, I should bring all the software I’d need to carry out a task in relation to the future job. Well, that wasn’t obvious, and unfortunately it’s a pretty heavy software stack I had to install on my private device which I don’t usually use for development.

Once at the company I was handed over to two software engineers which gave me „my task for the day“. The „real“ problem became a tiny test-project I could have solved at home. Since I wanted to meet folks and have a chat about things I hurried up and provided a solution for the task during the morning - which seemed to a surprise for the two guys in charge of me we who only replied „oh, that was supposed to occupy you the whole day.“ At least that gave me the time to meet more people I thought, but seemed like everyone was particularly busy this day. Only after insisting I was able to meet someone from product management.

During that day I definitely was able to catch the general ambience in the team and the way people communicated and collaborated. Not to their advantage though!

After that day I got invited a third time to meet another member of the founding team. On my question why I couldn’t meet this person during the whole day I spent on-site I got no answer. I played the game, met the person (another interview of 1.5h, of which the first 45 minutes where with yet another person I didn’t know yet), answered the same questions.

Up to this day I didn’t receive a response from Audibene.

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