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Monkey tree organisation

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Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei audibene GmbH in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

good place for psychotherapy


-The fish stinks from the head.
-the low median tenure of the employees is a good indicator what a shitty company audibene is.
-Please stop forcing people to leave 5 star ⭐️ reviews in kununu and glass door.


I did not know what a fear-based workplace was the first time I started working in audibene.


Everything I hidden behind zoom meetings. Nothing is clear, no transparency. People get fired without any good reason. Others are forced to leave. The internships are treated bad, and also forced to terminate early


'suggested' to do extra hours


fear-based mgmt

Interessante Aufgaben

Repetitive tasks.


the colleagues that are working for several years there are the privileged ones.








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



HilfreichHilfreich?2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


People-TeamTalent Acquisition

Dear colleague,

thank you for your review and taking the time to give us some feedback. We can see that you are frustrated with our processes and work culture. It is unfortunate that you had such a bad experience with us. Unfortunately, our response is limited by the single-word feedback and as this platform is anonymous, we do not know your individual situation.

We would like to address a few points that you made in your review. Firstly, your claim of a fear-based workplace. Our colleagues are at the heart of our organization and without our well-functioning team of teams, we could not have achieved our successes. We promote an open culture that values respect and mutual understanding. We achieve things together. So, if you have ever experienced or are still experiencing such an issue, please let us know, we can find a solution together. No one should be working out of fear, and these practices do not reflect our spirit or culture.

Secondly, we would like to talk about the issue of 'force'. This point is closely related to the previous- no one is forced to do anything. We don't mandate anyone to do overtime or to leave positive reviews. Our goals are ambitious, but we always strive to grow and take ourselves to the next level. Goals are flexible and negotiable with team leads. In the future, we will try to communicate this more effectively. Again, if you had any experiences, in which you were "forced" to do something, please let us know.

Thirdly, we would like to address the issue of transparency. In recent times, it has been difficult to ensure transparent communication between teams and we are working hard to improve our systems of communication. For instance, we are currently working on the implementation of regular strategy meetings, in which anyone can ask questions and raise any issues or concerns, without any negative backlash. If you have any suggestions on how we could improve here, please feel free to share your ideas with us.

Finally, we would like to address you and ask you if you have any ideas of suggestions as to how we could improve our processes and culture. You have mentioned a lot of things that you are unhappy with, yet we are not entirely sure on how we can improve on the situation. So, please contact us with more details. We are sure that we can find a great solution that makes everyone happy.

Hopefully we can continue working together in the future.

Kind regards,
Your People Team
