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The worst place to work in all of my life. Run for your life!

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.


I had the luck to come into a work group where we could have fun and laugh, normal stuff. We did our tasks and all fine. Within the group it was fine but the management made sure that we were not allowed to work how you wanted to work.

For an example in Sales the management have decided that emailing a client is not the way to go. You should call them, because that's the strategy. They monitor all your calls from amount of calls and how long they are etc.

You are also expected to deliver results that are over what your market can handle. My guess is so If they want you out they have a reason to kick you out. There is no logic what so ever for their goals in respective markets. There is no strategy besides (We call our clients). eGENTIC also makes sure that all the people that does not follow the management and their "plan" are kicked out from the company.

The workers in general are nice people, but the management made the situation so bad so nothing in your worklife matters. You just want to go home as soon as you get there.


haha!! good one.

There is none what so ever.


I had no problem with the workers at the place. Mostly had a nice time, but this is far from enough from the other points.


Horrible, you have "flex" hours. Buuut its not really true. Only for some people, that the management like. Also expect no home-office or other "benefits" to make your life easier to live.


They have no clue on how to manage. Sack people for shit reasons and use fear as a weapon to "work" harder.

Interessante Aufgaben

If you want to work in sales you will only be told to do the same tasks over and over again.

They only need you for the language skills and nothing else.


Everyone had the right to free water and coffee. Almost everyone had the right to go to the toilet when needed.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There is one old guy working there who is the fall guy If the company would go to shit. The rest I guess have been sacked or got a new job.


If you still didn't get this from the first impression you will hate it there. They pay ok but you can never ever negotiate a higher salary you will get a permanent contract after working there like three years.


No benefits what so ever.


They use brands illegally (e.g. logotype for ALDI, Samsung or Apple) to generate leads to sell them to other companies. They trick old people to compete in their shit because they believe this is a lottery made from the companies above.


Expect to be stuck in the same chair for years unless you lick some ass.



human resources

Dear former colleague,
Thank you very much for your review. We are very surprised about your negative rating. We would have been very happy if you had already spoken to us during your employment period. eGENTIC has three managing directors and all three live the open door policy. We would liked to get your suggestions for improvement instead of just stating that everything is "horrible". We want to be a good employer that has motivated employees and encourages them. We are constantly working on that. That is just one reason why we have i.e. the trust-based working time.
