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13 von 105 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern (gefiltert)

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kununu Score: 2,9Weiterempfehlung: 50%

13 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

6 Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihren Bewertungen weiterempfohlen. Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 6 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.

Time to go...empty promises is what you get

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Wofür möchtest du deinen Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation loben?

they did what everybody did

Was macht dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation nicht gut?

same as all the others

Wie kann dich dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation noch besser unterstützen?

they can not


I have worked in several jobs already, big companies and start-ups and nowhere we had atmosphere like this. Lies from management, secrecy and control, control, control.


this company has a bad image, in Germany and in other countries with clients, the public and agencies.


Not so much work to do or stupid tasks given from the management




They tell you that everything is possible. then you overachieve targets and your "raise" doesn't even cover inflation.
Do not come here because of promises. Be sure you have what you want in your contract.


i heard they donate, but I don't know if this isn't another lie.


Good colleagues. Without them I would have left already. But now I have to go anyway. Not even colleagues can make it good enough here.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I don't know about that, I am not old


they are the reason I am leaving.


pretty dirty, the floor is disgusting at some places and the people in office management don't do anything even if you ask. elevators are very often broken. good luck walking up to the 4 floor


Very bad or not even existent


we have people of sexes, nationalities, sex-orientation - this part is good.

Interessante Aufgaben

not so much. in the beginning is interesting, after is very much the same



human resources

Dear Colleague,
Thank you very much for your feedback,
First of all, eGENTIC does not lie. eGENTIC donates every year 10.000 € to the "Frankfurter Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder".
As you know, eGENTIC has three managing directors and all three live the open door policy. eGENTC also has a person of trust, eGENTIC would be happy if you would talk to one of the directors directly ot the person of trust, so that eGENTIC can further improve with your help.

They got so low that they begged their employees to write positive reviews on Kununu

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Wofür möchtest du deinen Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation loben?

see above

Was macht dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation nicht gut?

dont know about that

Wie kann dich dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation noch besser unterstützen?

I don't know about that, I left a long while ago but from what I have heard from former colleagues, they treat it good.


There were times where things were fine but ususally management quickly found a way to "handle" that. Within the teams the atmosphere is mostly good but you don't want to know how it is with management.


public dislikes this company, which is connected to planet49 (before renaming it because of the bad image). Googling it will make you question whether you want to really work here.


I don't know if management doesn't realize or don't care but nobody there is really working hard. I saw so many people just playing table tennis or kicker, drinking coffee, chatting most of the day. Good if you just want money for not doing anything.


most middle management people are stuck at their positions so there is no way up in marketing as well as sales. they gave fake positions to a few people to make them happy with titles but other than that no real way up.


you can make good money in leadgeneration because it is a shady business and the euros just come in without a lot of work once you have it up and running.
but for what they make and what they give, they are actually more greedy. a lot of people left for competitors who understood that employees should be paid decently.


no idea about that.


colleagues are great

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

some guys are quite old. i guess they have a good life there and are treated well.


2 Stars because some of the middle management country manager guys are cool. top management has serious issues. nobody understands why the party in charge hasn't done anything yet...


ok. not hightech fancy but they finally changed some old laptops. not willing to use standing-desks though for people with back problems


Horrible communication towards the employees, from what you got from middlemanagement even they were not given proper answers or explanations for weird decisions made by top management.


very multicultural, open minded.

Interessante Aufgaben




human resources

Dear Ex-colleague,
Thank you very much for your evaluation and your detailed feedback,
Many thinks changed since you left. Nevertheless we will consider your feedback. We would have appriciated if you would have given your feedback to the person of trust or the management. The doors of management are always open.
We are very surprised about your opinion of your former colleagues. Playing table tennis or kicker is good way to energize yourself for concatrated working afterwards. We think this is very important for a good work-life balance.

vielen Dank für die Erfahrung

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Wofür möchtest du deinen Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation loben?

Das Wohlergehen der Mitarbeiter stand an erster Stelle, habe ich mir sagen lassen von Leuten die dort arbeiten.

Wie kann dich dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation noch besser unterstützen?

Das Unternehmen hat super schnell reagier um seine Mitarbeiter zu unterstützen habe ich gehört, aber genau so menschlich habe ich sie auch in Erinnerung


Das Team ist großartig und sehr hilfsbereit! Ein internationales Team mit dem gewissen Flair!


Durch die flexible Arbeitszeit hat man absolut das Gleichgewicht zwischen Arbeit und Privatleben


Die Kollegen sind absolut loyal und freundlich..

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Schwer zusagen da es sich um ein super junges Team handelt.. aber die Oldies waren klasse und absolut jung geblieben im Kopf.


Die Vorgesetzten sind freundlich und haben ein offenen Ohr für einen.


Ich war in einem Team in dem offen und transparent kommunizieret worden ist. Ich habe es sehr geschätzt.


Absolut gegeben

Interessante Aufgaben

Da es sich hier um ein Urgestein in der Branche handelt, sind die Aufgaben immer interessant und spannend. Das Unternehmen schaut immer in die Zukunft.








human resources

Dear Ex-colleague,
Thank you very much for your evaluation and your detailed feedback, which we take to heart.
All the best

Micromanagement to the core...please avoid going there......

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich


Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich



please respect work life balance








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben



human resources

Dear Ex-colleague,
It’s a pity that your feedback is that short.
In our opinion, we respect work life balance. We have full flexible working hours. You can come to work and leave work whenever you want. We have 1 day a week for Homeoffice.

Top Arbeitgeber

Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Cooles Team. Spannender Markt

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Image des Produktes; Es gibt spannender Orte


Es fehlen kostenlose Tomatensäfte


Sehr gut, einmal jährliche gemeinsame Fahrt.


In Deutschland die Nr. 1. Aber Leadgenierung ist nicht jedermanns Sache.


Man braucht Eigeninitiative, aber dann bleibt kaum ein Wunsch offen.


Gute Entwicklung. Besser als bei Wettbewerbern


Sozialbewusstsein ist gut, es gibt Spenden etc. Beim Umweltbewusstsein ist noch Luft nach oben.


Sehr gut




Flache Hierarchie. Gute Chancen für alle. Verständnis für individuelle Situation

Interessante Aufgaben

Sehr vielfältige Aufgaben



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




human resources

Lieber Ex-Kollege,
vielen Dank für deine positive Bewertung. Ich mag auch gerne Tomatensaft, trotzdem können wir nicht jeden individuellen Geschmack berücksichtigen. Mit Wasser, div. Säften und Bier für den Feierabend ist für die meinsten Geschmäcker etwas dabei.

My experience isn't all that negative

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I think it is a comfortable place to come to work to. The people are nice. The environment, before it was polluted by all these unhappy people who only spread negativity, was perfectly fine! Easy going.
Some employees, now ex-employees, have made it really uncomfortable for the ones who are staying by spreading bad words because of personal issues. It's not respectful vis a vis your colleagues.
I think it is good to let some of this "pollution" leave the company. Time to refresh the atmosphere and spice up the spirits! I've seen this wave of people coming and going before, it can only do the company good.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Could fight a little bit more to keep valuable people instead of letting them all go. A few hundred to give a raise to a few people that work hard wouldn't kill the firm and secure their position here.


If you listen to the general opinion, seems the latest computers, monitors or phones are an important aspect of peoples everyday life at work. In the end, none of it matters. What the company needs is for management to have a little bit more of a modern and flexible thinking when it comes to employees. They are asking for time. They are asking for transparency and they are looking to be more involved.
In terms of employees: I cannot say everybody deserves the position they have. Some decisions have been made to let people go. Perhaps more time to reflect on the current employee status wouldn't harm.


Could be improved. Was recently polluted by negative people.


Well, the business model itself is hardly understood and can seem dodgy. But reality is: this is everywhere in your everyday life. At least we do it in a legal way!


Just fine. Hours are flexible so you can adapt to your personal life.


Being a very flat hierarchy place, you get stuck. but then again, it's a small company you can't expect much. If you want more: leave! With a competitor: you'll always have the same issue in this niche sector we work in: companies are never big. We are among the larger ones! Go to an agency, change jobs!


Nothing special is done here.


It's been very much unstable the past 6 months. It depends of the periods. generally, all very helpful though!

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Nothing special.


Managing Directors: OK. always can be better.
Some managers are really disrespectful though. Or perhaps, too comfortable?


Moved offices 2 years ago. Clean, bright and comfortable. Open space: matter of taste but you can get used to it.


This is certainly not one of eGENTIC's management strengths! But, lets work on it.


Flat hierarchy. Open doors. Equal rights.

Interessante Aufgaben

It all depends on your motivation. If you want things to work, you must give it time and focus and it is interesting. If you are not motivated, then of course, the daily tasks you can't avoid are boring and repetitive.




human resources

Dear colleague,
Thank you very much for your detailed feedback.
We will take your suggestions into consideration.

eGENTIC - I used to like you very much, but I am disappointed now

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

• International environment
• possibility to work part time
• Close to Frankfurt
• Company car (country managers) and mobile phones
• Retention program (possibility to visit one of 2 subsidiaries in Brasil or Singapur after 4 years)
• Free beverages, fruits, nice “Kuschelecke” with table tennis and Kicker
• Company events
• Supporting employees activities outside of work

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

• Negative atmosphere
• Leadership style without focus on people as valuable resource
• No sustainable thinking and employee retention – you let talents and loyal employees just go, giving a feeling that everyone is replaceable. “Go if you don’t like it”. Employees join the company and leave managers
• No education strategy, no opportunity to develop one’s career


• Improve your communication, especially on the sales management level
• Work on your Employer Branding
• Do not talk about former employees in a negative way, especially if they had been committed and successful employees for many years.
• Listen to your employees, take their suggestions seriously. People management is not made by excel sheets.
• Build a real education strategy to promote and develop your talents
• Demonstrate good problem solving - do not only expect from your employees to give an answer to a problem. Help, support and try to solve it together, brainstorm ways to fix it, don’t be only observer.
• Take responsibility for the outcome of your decisions


I’ve been working here for many years now and I can’t believe how fast you can make out of a great international company a „bad“ place to work . Many of our ex-colleagues complain below, sometimes using unacceptable wording, but it definitely shows that something is going wrong and they use this platform to let out their frustration.
There used to be a great workplace atmosphere, but it has changed negatively within the last months. You wanted to motivate people to increase sale, do better job, face the challenge, call instead skype chatting etc., change their thinking, hire new talents, get fresh and innovative thinking.
Result: Good goals, bad execution. Employees are being treated like pupils, not being listened, more control of what we do/who we call/how long. New Talents may appear, but you also hire managers who have nothing in common with real leadership. Nothing can hurt morale of your employees more than feeling like they’re supporting a poor team member.
I wouldn’t say this is the worst place to work, it’s not true. If you have asked me 2 y. ago how am I doing here? I would have said “great”!Unfortunately, unhealthy and incapable management led to toxic atmosphere now.


Among internet users – very bad due to business we run (lead generation)
Among customers – still one of the top lead generation companies
In the industry: bad news regarding toxic environment spreads quickly and the image has worsened recently. The competition uses the chance to get people on board.
Among employees: depending on individual experience - from very good to very bad


No pressure to make over hours, work non-stop and through the weekends. You can get your vacation approved without any problem. Possibility to work part time is an advantage.


No education strategy, no opportunity to develop one’s career. The only possibility to climb the career ladder is to be a country manager. The company structure is flat.


Industry average plus bonus on an individual basis. No real salary increase reflecting inflation. If you have achieved additional (unrealistic) turnover goals, you may ask for salary increase in two years at the earliest.

Social benefits: company cars and underground car park (country managers only), the rest of employess can use a parking spot outside the building; mobile phones, free beverages and fruits.

No more benefits to distinguish the company from competition like jobtickets, sport facilities, staff canteen, possibility to take home office – not only 4-6 days per year (mondays and fridays generally not allowed), but depending on individual situation (long distance to work, family reasons).


As far as I know eGENTIC support children with cancer by donating money every year for Christmas. There used to be more interesting social initiatives in the past. In case of environment - waste sorting would be nice.


I have an impression that many decisions regarding people management are taken accidently, without clear strategy and social responsibility. Due to several dismissals and terminations that followed, there is no community at work anymore - people talk about recent employees fluctuation, about the reasons for leaving the company. Most of the ex-colleagues didn’t want to be a part of eGENTIC anymore. It’s almost 25% of the whole sales team within the last few weeks. Hearing of someone leaving the company is nothing new now. That's depressing..

eGENTIC got used to high employees turnover, but there were other reasons in the past: in most cases geographic move since most of the colleagues are foreigners or romantic relationship.

It is hard to stick together with colleagues in the workplace with high employees turnover.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Not so many of them, but they feel certainly well here


It would be great to be involved in decision making, setting new strategy. Many decisions are not clear or understandable.


Computers are not the newest ones - but good enough to work on. Company phone, one tablet per team for business trips. Open-space with air conditioning, new office since 2017. Well equipped kitchen, there’s a nice lunch room. Uncomfortable office chairs.


Many things are told on the country manager level, less communication on the sales manager level. It creates an atmosphere of having secrets. If you smoke you might learn more, as there is no better place to exchange news as in the front of the building smoking.


Everyone has equal rights.

Interessante Aufgaben

It is all about sales - not always easy since the company deals with personal data, it can be challenging..Products do not really change throughout the years. In case of any development it turns out in test campaigns, it doesn’t work as it should... New ideas/innovation are always welcome.



human resources

Dear colleague,
Thank you very much for your evaluation and your detailed feedback, which we take to heart. We are aware of the daily challenges and work very focused on them. As you know, eGENTIC has three managing directors and all three live the open door policy. We would be happy if you would talk to one of us directly so that we can further improve eGENTIC with your help.


Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- We had skiitrip and partys very fun.
- Easy going most of the time

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Office could improve.
- Atmosphere and company culture.


- Improve the office (screens and desks etc)
- Try to listen to the employees (There is a reason why people are leaving eGENTIC at this rate)
- If there is problem within the team (also take the employees side into account)
- General strategy for all GEOS doesn't work. Try to implement different strategy's to different areas I think that would be of benefit.

- You want to be a "great place to work" It's kind of a kick in the face to the people who's team have been destroyed due to people being fired left and right. eGENTIC could be a very good place to work.

Honest to god it could be an amazing place to work If toxic behavior is treated, not just by being fired. Permanent contracts, more flexibility and less control. You are market leads and want's to be like google, but there is a long way to go for being the best place to work.

For this reason I do not recommend eGETNIC at this current state, but If there is improvement yes this could be a good place to work.


This company have gone from a decent atmosphere to a very very toxic and bad one. It's not normal for a place to loose approximately 20 people a year. I've seen people come and go and people do get treated badly. If you do have the luck to get a good manager you can be lucky. From most of the different I've read I can agree on the most of it. These negative stories are for the most part very true.

Funny enough the answers most likely come from people in the management positions who are too blind to see what's going on. Perhaps looking into how you actually are treating your personal and not accepting people being bullied out of the company.

Example for one ex employee that was treated very badly by his manager (By many peoples thinking) but this "Open door policy" only ended up that he was threatened to be sacked. One day this person started to spit blood in the toilet because of stress, his manager didn't care about that I had to drive him to the hospital. This person was also one of the best sales persons in the company by all measurements that the company used.

I would definitely say that people being laid off for no reason doesn't really help people with motivation.


I can just speak for what I know from the clients and they were not very excited about working with eGENTIC but did due to lack of leads in my region.


One of the reasons I left was because I needed home-office. That wasn't available for me. I saw that someone down in others said homeoffice was available but at least not for normal staff maybe for management after a few years work.

The re-implemented something called flex hours but the feeling was that this didn't do any effect on your work-life-balance.


Company donated money for something during x-mas. Could maybe been better when it came to how the company was dealing with trash etc. (Gelbe sack)


Depends on you as a person but I had no problem with most people and I think they didn't dislike me either too much.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Most young people working there. Can't say If its good or not.


Well I have to write two here because of how I've seen people being treated by some of the management. Many good middle managers got laid off when others where still there.

My feeling is that the company maybe should listen to the managers that do want to go in a different direction rather than kicking them out. I was working with two different bosses and I had no personal problems with either of them.

However my first manager was fired and the explanation was in my eyes a bit harsh.


The office is new but the equipment is very old and you are not going to the office feeling good about your work space. Not a big thing in general but small things that add up.

Tips to improve:
Standing/sitting desks to help with ergonomic.


You get the standard emails etc send outs with company information. Normal hierarchy but I wouldn't say that the communication is over the top awesome.

Bad information when my boss was sacked.


You should try to get a good offer from the start. After that you have little chance to increase your salary. I think on average the company pays just about that, average.


Nothing over the top, no sexual things what I know.

Interessante Aufgaben

Well I don't think the different tasks are too exiting. Most people on the sales/marketing floor doesn't seem to be too motivated. From person to person I guess but for me it became quite boring after a while.

The combination for me when people are treated badly and getting sacked with from time to time boring tasks. Made me look elsewhere.



human resources

Dear former colleague,
Thank you very much for your review.
We are very surprised about your negative rating. We would have been very happy if you had already spoken to us during your employment period. eGENTIC has three managing directors and all three live the open door policy.
Thank you for your suggestions for improvement, some of them we will consider.
We don't want to be like google. We want to be a good employer that has motivated employees and encourages them. We are constantly working on that.

I'm happy to come to the office and see motivated people every day!

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.


nice colleguees, good work place, open doors policy


flexible working hours plus retention program with Home Office possibilities


of course there are some groups who always mingle and some who don't want to integrate


not Google, but close


on a daily basis you can receive every information that is needed to do a great job


on top of the industry plus bonification possibilities to do really great


we support talents from all over the world no matter of religion, sex, age, culture

Interessante Aufgaben

I can manage my day completely independent and my tasks are new every day



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



human resources

Dear colleague,
Thank you very much for your positive rating which we are very happy about.
Keep up the good work.

Great place to work. Fully Flexible - especially if you have Kids you want to take care off

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Free Coffee, free softdrinks, table tennis, soccer, Darts, free fruits. Full flexible hours. Management is just looking at goals and performance and not at facetime.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

the coffee machine is broken too often


I read the last very negative comments and was wondering, if these former colleguages may commented on the wrong company. I like it here for quite a long time already. I am well informed. I am really angry, that they are talking about my place to work in this horrible way. I like it here for many years and many other do also. I am not at all badly treated.
I dont know what happend to these guys, but:
- If you are not reaching your goals - it might also be a leg of your skills
- if you think, a proper sales manager aquires new clients by email, then you are just wrong.
- if you feard to be fired, increase your performance and you will never fear again.
- if you think, your ideas/innovation are not welcome, maybe because your ideas were just poor. If I present ideas/innvoation I am always heard.
- I get a good and fair Bonus. And as far as I know, all my colleguages get a good and fair bonus also.

I am geeting really angry now, that some ex-staff is talking my employer down so hard. Maybe you should ask yourself first about what is wrong with you, then blaming everybody else for beeing so frustrated.


all good


Yes, even though we are dealinig with data. But google, facebook, apple, Instragram also do. Is the image of these companies poor. No it is not and so egentic image is not either.


very good


good and okay for me


okay for me



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

yes, everybody is treatd the same way. Age or gender does not matter


Me and my colleguages are good and fair treated.


good. sometimes too relaxed. Many prefer table tennis or soccer then working. But this is tolerated by manegement


communication could always be better, but I am well informed.


yes, everybody is treatd the same way. Aage or gender does not matter

Interessante Aufgaben





human resources

Dear colleague,
Thank you very much for your positive rating which we are very happy about.
We will keep the coffe machine running ;-)
Keep up the good work.

Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.
