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One of the worst companies I ever worked with

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Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei HRS in Köln gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

office location

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

lack of equality, unfair salary levels between employees, communication level for the bonus structure.


They need a huge reorganisation including exchanging all of the current "leaders"/


The company is a kingdom and the owner is a king - he has some people who are close to him who can make a career. The rest of the people are treated badly. There were cases of people from Engineering who worked additional jobs because they had very bad salary. Company would rather have them resign and hire someone with a market standard salary (double to what the person had) than give a proper raise.


When they hire you they communicate "company bonus" as a part of the salary. In December, the owner goes on the stage and says everything is great and the bonus will be payed in April. End of April they let you know that they didn't reach the target (second year in a row). Why would you even communicate it in that way in December? Why do you wait until last minute before the actual payout to say that you won't do it?


There are some good people in the company - they are quickly gone as the turn is huge. 500 people left the company in 2018, they hired less than that.


"Flexible working time" but if you start early and want to leave early - brace yourself for colleagues looking at you like a freak. Doesn't matter they came to work 2 hours after, they are staying longer and that is what matters!


So many changes in the structures you don't know who is leading you. No constructive one-on-one sessions. Even if you are best in the team - nobody will say thank you.

Interessante Aufgaben

Your work changes because your boss changes every couple of month.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Absolutely no! Don't expect to be treated the same if you are not German (although they are proud to call themselves international) and don't expect to be treated the same way as your male colleagues.


The office is fine but how many times the owner can say that he payed so much money for it and blame the employees for not meeting the targets.


Terrible unfairness with people who are long in the company and the new joiners - salary level are not even slightly similar. People get very poor raises, even I they are doing great job. When getting a raise - mine was again communicated with a bonus (which is not a sure part of the salary!).


Too good outside, but getting harder and harder to hide.


Sure - if you are friends with the ones who can push you forward.



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