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A company that starves itself of good developers by treating them as expendable and not listening to them

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei HRS in Köln gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Office, Cantine and my former colleagues.


HRS has to pay enough give enough holiday and should not treat there employees as expendables.


The Atmosphere largely depends on the Team. It can be good for a time but after a while the mismanagement of the IT in this company wears almost everyone down.


The Communication of the overall strategy seems good at first. The communication of the smaller things like planned projects or features is dreadful often something is changed in productive conditions and the developers have to hurry to change the software on some strict and arbitrary deadline.


This was a pro point in this company but it is caused by a collective distain for the internal distain of the internal politics of the company.


Is ok on some positions and dreadful on others.


Some of the people that you work with directly are super nice but it is not like they cann balance out the bad management over all.

Interessante Aufgaben

I worked on some interesteing software that went nowhere and then there is a lot of dreadful old stuff that has to be kept together by it seams.


I don't think there was anybody that was treated unfairly based on sex or age. I do not now what the pay disparage is though.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I don't think there was anybody that was treated unfairly based on sex or age. I do not now what the pay disparage is though.


nuff said


Very nice eco friendly office and some donation campaigns over the years.


Does not compare favourably to other IT companies in Colonge.


I know people who got no additional training and complained about it with barelyu any effect. I miself was quite lucky and got a bit of training and events.


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