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44 von 98 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern (gefiltert)

Mit Kommentar
kununu Score: 2,8Weiterempfehlung: 45%

44 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

20 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

To avoid at all costs.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Learnship Networks GmbH in Köln gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

They pay on time.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The disrespect for employees as people. Not even as colleagues or workers, but as people.


Seriously invest in your employees. With career paths, training plans, raises, benefits, check-ins, workshops to let them know what the company's strategy is and how they fit in. Provided that there is a company strategy at all.


Despite many colleagues being nice, departments try to blame one another for problems. Managers are the first to do that and just teach their employees to take no responsibility and find scapegoats instead.


"Do the employees speak well of the company?" No.


Possibly the only good thing about this company.


If you learn something, it means that you are smart. Again there is NO effort from the company whatsoever to offer structured training. If our clients behaved as we do, we'd have closed shop 15 years ago.


The wages are scary. Some people haven't had ANY raise in YEARS. You'd think in a language school you'd get free language courses. Think again. Not even the free app because it's too expensive to set up the account. No trainings either, of course. Any request is met with a "we can't afford it". Despite management boasting the great sales during every single company update. We were encouraged to ask questions before such updates and then management prepared some slides "with the answers". Only to the questions they selected, of course. No follow up was made on the rest. After almost a year of Kurzarbeit as a thank you we got a 40 euro amazon voucher for Christmas.


They don't care about their employees, let alone complete strangers. And anyway, most work from home, so what do they care.


Most colleagues are all right. The middle management and management is rotten and outright disrespectful. From small things like interrupting while someone is talking to bigger ones like the C-levels laughing at employees' requests during company meetings.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There weren't many older colleagues up to recently. The ones that joined are friends of some managers and therefore get away with many things. Outright rudeness or screaming on the top of others during meetings has become the norm.


Some colleagues are happy with their managers. Generally no, it's a disaster. Blaming employees for managers mistakes is the norm. Managers have been reported to HR with no consequences at all.


Most people work remotely. And the company therefore thinks it's not their responsibility anymore. There was no coordinated effort to make sure everybody had a standard minimum equipment. There was an e-mail with "if you want something, go get it in the office". As usual, everybody on their own and minimum effort from the company.


Before the pandemic I would have give two stars because at least in Cologne you'd find out something talking to people in the corridor. Now with home office unless you're well connected you have no idea what the company is doing.


As many environments relating with language teaching, there are many women. The higher you go in the hierarchy, of course the fewer women there are. 0 women in the C level. Anyway, all that there is good about how people are treated is down to the individuals being decent. There is ZERO effort from the company. No workshops, no D&I training or coaching, no initiatives.

Interessante Aufgaben

It depends a lot on the department. They would be interesting, if there was a common goal or some basic respect for people.




Dear Colleague,

thank you for taking the time to write a review. There are a few aspects, which I would like to understand in detail, such as the point that we disrespect employees as people. This is certainly not our intention and I would like to understand where this perception is coming from. Please feel free to reach out to me via email or MS Teams, so I can learn more about this.

I understand your point about e.g. career paths, benefits or check-ins. The reason why we are not as far with these initiatives is not because we do not see its importance, but because the development of it needs time and is very complex due to our global structure. However, this is already work in progress. Our HR team is currently growing and with more capacities, we will be able to implement standards and processes regarding this.

There are some aspects, which I see differently and on which I would like to comment:

- You state that most employees are not happy with their manager. However, in August this year, we have conducted a team feedback survey. Everyone was able to provide anonymous feedback to their direct supervisor. The results were overall very positive and the average was high. In addition, whenever someone officially reports issues to HR regarding their direct manager, we immediately follow up, often including the higher management. You can be ensured that conversations take place afterwards. As the outcome of these conversations is of course confidential, we cannot always provide the employees, who complained, with feedback, which measures have been taken. I am shocked to read about the behavior, you are describing from higher management. Please contact me directly, in case there are still issues.
- You are saying that there are no women in our higher management. However, there are actually three women at C-Level. We are very proud of our diverse team and we are looking forward to increase our diversity even further. Of course, this also includes higher management.
- You are stating that we do not sponsor internal language courses. However, every quarter we are gathering internal language course requests from our team heads. This quarter for example, all courses that have been requested, were also approved. So, in fact, we do sponsor internal language courses. In addition, the free app (Learnship Solo) you are speaking about, is available for every employee. Please reach out to Account Operations, should you not have an account yet. I also would like to mention that every two months there are salary reviews, where team heads request raises for their team.
- You are complaining that the answers for the questions you have asked in our last Corporate Forum through Slido were summed up on slides. This is true. The reason for this is that we received many similar questions. In order to be more efficient, we summed them up. However, we did not neglect any questions. Should there still be open questions from your side, please contact me directly.

In general, I would appreciate, if you would reach out to me for a confidential conversation. I would like to check, if there is anything HR can do to improve the situation for you.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

Kira Kölsch

Globaler Spirit - Super Team-Atmosphäre - Nachhaltiges Produkt und Wachstum

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung bei Learnship Networks GmbH in Köln gearbeitet.




Hierauf wird hohen Wert gelegt - wenn auch nicht immer und von jeder Führungskraft in gleichem Maße. Kenne Teams, da ist das nicht ganz so ausgeprägt


Muss man aktiv einfordern und daher verbesserungswürdig


Toller kollegialer Zusammenhalt in überwiegend sehr internationalen Teams


Wie immer ist das sehr individuell. Bei uns ist es klasse!


Hat sich in den letzten Monaten stark verbessert und gute neue Formate, wo das Management die Mitarbeiter informiert.

Interessante Aufgaben

Spannende Projekte und extrem internationales Arbeiten




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen






Lieber Kollege, liebe Kollegin,

herzlichen Dank für Ihre Bewertung! Bei weiteren Anmerkungen oder Feedback können Sie sich gerne an CorporateHR@Learnship.com wenden.

Viele Grüße

Kira Kölsch

In jeder Hinsicht problematisch

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Learnship Networks GmbH in Köln gearbeitet.


Hört auf eure Angestellten und Trainer und macht auch was aus dem Feedback. Nur nachfragen, aber dann nichts ändern, ist völlig sinnfrei. Achtet vor allem endlich darauf, dass Mitarbeiter in Führungspositionen auch wirklich Führungsqualitäten haben.


Angespannte, stressige und toxische Arbeitsatmosphäre. An allen Ecken und Enden wird gespart, in jeder Abteilung mangelt es an Mitarbeitern, die dann auch noch mit schwierigen Vorgesetzten umgehen müssen. Selbst langjährige Mitarbeiter, die dem Unternehmen teilweise mehr als 10 Jahre treu waren, kündigen inzwischen.
Die jährliche "Performance Review" dient lediglich dazu, den Mitarbeitern Feedback zu geben. Mitarbeiter haben keine Möglichkeit, Ihrem Teamchef mal Rückmeldung zu geben (obwohl das dringend notwendig wäre).


Stylische Website, aber das wars dann auch schon. Learnship ist ein totaler No-Name. Leider sprechen die Bewertungen hier, auf Glassdoor und auf Google ja auch nicht gerade fürs Unternehmen.


An für sich kann man sich hier nicht beklagen. Seit Corona wird Homeoffice und Remote-Work dauerhaft angeboten. Es wird allerdings trotzdem noch das klassische "8 to 5" bzw. "9 to 6" erwartet.


Eine Beförderung bei Learnship bedeutet immer, dass der Jobtitel geändert wird und man jetzt den Job von 10 Leuten statt von 5 Leuten macht. Es gibt keine Gehaltserhöhung, keinerlei Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten, Trainings oder sonstige Unterstützung. Man kriegt inzwischen ja nicht mal mehr einen hauseigenen Sprachkurs kostenlos.


Gehälter sind bei Learnship leider unterirdisch. Und nein, sie entsprechen nicht dem Branchendurchschnitt. Gehaltserhöhungen gibt's prinzipiell nicht, weil dafür "kein Budget" da ist. Als "Benefit" wird oft die betriebliche Altersvorsorge genannt - dass die jedoch Pflicht ist, weil jeder Mitarbeiter in Deutschland einen gesetzlichen Anspruch auf eine bAV hat, scheint vergessen zu werden.


In den Küchen wird leider kein Müll getrennt. Es wurden aber immerhin Sodaarmaturen in allen Küchen installiert, so dass keine (Plastik-)Wasserflaschen mehr geordert werden. Schön ist auch, dass ein Jobticket angeboten wird.


Man sitzt zusammen in einem Boot. Die Kollegen leiden, unabhängig von der Abteilung, alle miteinander. Das stärkt und verbindet. Man muss sich leider darauf einstellen, dass gerade die tollen Kollegen, die wirklich was drauf haben, nach kurzer Zeit wieder kündigen (man kann's ihnen nicht verübeln).
Die Sprachtrainer und weiteren externen Mitarbeiter sind meist ebenfalls ganz tolle Leute, die von Learnship aber leider nicht den nötigen Respekt erhalten.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Es gibt kaum ältere Kollegen bei Learnship. Die paar, mit denen ich Kontakt hatte, haben sich zumindest nicht besser oder schlechter gefühlt, als jüngere Kollegen.


Die Teamchefs sind größtenteils völlig unqualifiziert und sind nur in ihre Rollen gefallen, weil es halt sonst niemand besseren im Unternehmen gab (befördert wird hier, wer schon am längsten im Unternehmen ist, egal, ob man Führungsqualitäten besitzt oder nicht). Wer auf angebrachte und konstruktive Kritik mit Aggression reagiert, sich keine Fehler eingestehen will und dann auch noch über Teammitglieder lästert, braucht sich nicht wundern, dass innerhalb von 6 Monaten das halbe Team kündigt. Selten so einen Kindergarten erlebt.


Das Kölner Büro ist schön und modern. Das Arbeitsequipment ist völlig in Ordnung.


Katastrophe. Informationen zu Projekten muss man sich über zehn Ecken selbst zusammenkramen und selbst dann kann man nicht mal darauf vertrauen, dass sich die Informationen nicht wieder ändern und man mehrere Arbeitstage aufgrund von Falschinformationen verschwendet hat. Projektmanagement gibt's nicht. Jeder arbeitet so vor sich hin und hofft, dass am Ende dann alles irgendwie zusammenpasst. Spoiler Alert: Tut's meistens nicht und man wirft Sales und den Kunden halb durchdachte Produkte hin, so nach dem Motto "Hauptsache irgendwas".
Im monatlichen Company Forum wird das Unternehmen stets hochgelobt und berichtet, wie toll alles ist und dass ja jetzt so viel mehr Profit erzielt wird. So ganz kann man das aber irgendwie nicht glauben, denn bei Mitarbeitern, Trainern und Co. kommt von diesen unglaublich positiven Entwicklungen gar nichts an. Über Negatives wird hier nie gesprochen, Kritik wird abgetan.


Ich habe bei Learnship keine Diskriminierung erlebt. Kritisieren kann man vielleicht, dass im Management deutlich mehr Männer als Frauen sitzen, obwohl (zumindest im Kölner Büro) eindeutig mehr Frauen arbeiten.

Interessante Aufgaben

Die Aufgaben in meinem Team waren spannend und abwechslungsreich. Leider werden Innovation und Kreativität bei Learnship aber abgestraft, weil es dafür "kein Geld und keine Zeit" gibt. Als qualitätsfokussierter Mensch war das für mich einfach nicht nachvollziehbar. "Möglichst billig und möglichst schnell" ist Learnships Motto. Es wird viel Geld in kurzfristige Lösungen und manuelle Prozesse gesteckt, statt einmal ordentlich in Software, Automatisierung und langfristige Lösungen zu investieren. Dass das auf Dauer nichts ist, muss man wohl nicht weiter erwähnen.




Lieber Ex-Kollege / liebe Ex-Kollegin,

vielen Dank für die offene Bewertung und insbesondere für ihr positives Feedback zu den Themen Gleichberechtigung, Arbeitsbedingungen und Work-Life-Balance. Einige Ihrer Kritikpunkte können wir nachvollziehen. Unsere interne Kommunikation ist beispielsweise in der Tat eine Herausforderung, an der wir aktiv arbeiten.

Andere Punkte hingegen können wir weniger gut verstehen. Sie schreiben, dass es bei uns keine Gehaltserhöhungen gibt, allerdings gibt es alle zwei Monate Gehaltsrunden, in denen Gehälter besprochen und auch angepasst werden. Es stimmt, dass aufgrund der Corona-Krise letztes Jahr Gehaltserhöhungen zunächst einmal auf Eis gelegt wurden, diese Regelung wurde aber Anfang des Jahres aufgehoben. Auch bei Beförderungen werden die Gehälter selbstverständlich erhöht. Dies trifft beispielsweise auch auf die internen Sprachkurse zu. Seit Anfang des Jahres werden Anfragen diesbezüglich regelmäßig überprüft und auch genehmigt.

Bezüglich des Vorgesetztenverhaltens nennen Sie als Kritikpunkt, dass es keine Möglichkeit gibt, Feedback zu geben. Dieses fordern wir allerdings aktiv ein. So haben wir beispielsweise im August das erste Mal ein 180° Team Feedback durchgeführt, in denen die Teams ihre Vorgesetzten anonym bewerten konnten. Dieses Tool wird von nun an regelmäßig eingesetzt und unsere Führungskräfte anhand der Ergebnisse entwickelt. Außerdem wird bereits seit Anfang diesen Jahres die Eignung von Führungskräften mit Hilfe von Assessment Centern getestet, um zu vermeiden, dass nur der Mitarbeiter / die Mitarbeiterin, der / die am längsten in der Firma ist, zur Führungskraft befördert wird. Sollten Sie hier Gesprächsbedarf zu Ihrer ehemaligen Führungskraft haben, können Sie uns gerne via CorporateHR@learnship.com kontaktieren.

Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute!

Herzliche Grüße

Kira Kölsch

Kein von Fairness und Vertrauen geprägtes Betriebsklima MEHR

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Learnship Networks GmbH in Köln gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Ich habe dort viele nette Menschen kennengelernt und Lebenserfahrung mit genommen.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Immer steiler werdende Hierarchie.


High margin product, but poorly managed.
Ich wünsche dem Unternehmen den richtigen Schlüssel zum Erfolg zu finden.


Kein von Fairness und Vertrauen geprägtes Betriebsklima mehr.
Die Führungskräfte, zumindest diejenigen mit denen ich in Berührung kam, waren leider weder fachlich, noch menschlich den Anforderungen dauerhaft gewachsen.
Hinter den geschlossenen Türen wurde viel geflüstert.
Bevorzugung im Team, zum Teil Machtmissbrauch wurde praktiziert.


Bei den Mitarbeitern hat die Firma leider immer schlechter werdendes image. Immer mehr Kollegen, die lange bei der Firma waren, verlassen das Unternehmen.


Vor dem COVID-19 war das Home-Office-Regelung eine reine Prerogative der Führungskräfte. Nach dem COVID wurde dieses Privileg zwangsläufig gekippt.
Überstunden wurden weder ausbezahlt noch abgefeiert.


Keine Aufstiegsmöglichkeit.
Weder interne, noch externe Weiterbildung.


Es gibt seit 2019 eine betriebliche Altersvorsorge, sowie das Jobticket.
Gehälter ...


Ich kann es nicht beurteilen.


Die meisten von Kollegen waren recht herzlich und angenehm.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Beurteilung schwierig, da kaum jemand über 50.


Keine nachvollziehbare Entscheidungen.
Es wurde nicht, oder sehr spät kommuniziert und vieles verschwiegen.
Es gab große Rivalitäten zwischen den Abteilungen, mit dem Motto "immer anderen Schuld geben".


Die Arbeitsbedingungen sind im Großen und Ganzen in Ordnung gewesen.
IT-Ausrüstung war auch ok.
Die Firma ist relativ gut gelegen.


Keine Transparenz.
Mangelnde Kommunikation.
Es gab allerdings so genannte Company Updates, wo die Mitarbeiter über die Neuigkeiten erfuhren.


Die Frauen haben definitiv die gleichen Aufstiegschancen, wie die Männer. Die Mehrheit der Beschäftigten im Unternehmen sind die Damen.
Die Arbeitskräfte werden meiner Meinung nach nicht geschätzt. Allerdings kann es von Abteilung zur Abteilung unterschiedlich sein. Es gab mehr Vorgesetzte, als Arbeitskräfte - für mich nicht nachvollziehbar.

Interessante Aufgaben

Die Ausgestaltung des eigenen Aufgabengebietes war zum Teil möglich gewesen.




Lieber Ex-Kollege, liebe Ex-Kollegin,

vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung. Wir freuen uns, dass Sie die Gleichberechtigung bei uns, den Kollegenzusammenhalt sowie die Art der Aufgaben als positiv bewerten.

Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass Sie mit dem Vorgesetztenverhalten nicht zufrieden waren. Dies ist uns jedoch sehr wichtig. Unsere Führungskräfte werden beispielsweise durch 180° Feedbacks stetig weiterentwickelt und auch bei der Auswahl wird auf deren Eignung für eine Führungsposition geachtet.

Unsere interne Kommunikation ist auch ein Thema, an dem wir bereits aktiv arbeiten. So haben wir beispielsweise Slido für unsere regelmäßigen Company Updates eingeführt. Hierdurch können wir vorab Fragen sammeln, um herauszufinden, welche Themen unsere Mitarbeiter besonders interessieren.

Sollten Sie weitere Anregungen haben, können Sie sich gerne jederzeit an CorporateHR@learnship.com wenden.

Viele Grüße

Kira Kölsch

Spannender Zeitpunkt

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Learnship Networks GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Den Umgang untereinander


Noch mehr die Mitarbeiter mitnehmen. Es wird schon an den Erfolg geglaubt.


Viele kollegiale Menschen. Jeder ist offen für Fragen und Hilfestellungen.


Freie Einteilung


Aktuell sehr viele Chancen, da viel im Wandel ist und es richtig losgeht mit dem Wachstum.


People on a mission. Sehr eng trotz remote


Fair und direkt


Es wird daran gearbeitet diese zu optimieren


Viele Kulturen und toller Umgang miteinander

Interessante Aufgaben

Tolles Produkt mit hohem Ansehen.




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Lieber Kollege, liebe Kollegin,

vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung! Sollten Sie weitere Anregungen oder Feedback haben, melden Sie sich gerne unter CorporateHR@learnship.com.

Herzliche Grüße

Kira Kölsch

I learned a lot: IT skills,customer support,I felt supported through every step,received extra foreign language practice

Ex-Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Geschäftsführung bei Learnship Networks GmbH in Köln gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Great induction training, I especially appreciated being guided by a mentor. I was also met halfway every time I needed to switch from a fixed to a flexible schedule or needed to take holidays to prepare for my exams week. Company events were fun, communication regarding any company changes was timely and thorough.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nothing. I genuinely enjoyed my time as a working student.


Find a different approach to bring the three departments of the same team together. During my team there I saw a lot of dissatisfied teammates who felt they had been forgotten about. Sometimes as little as Meeting them know their work is valued and that the management notices their effort.








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben



Dear former colleague

thank you very much for taking the time to write this review; we really appreciate it and also value your improvement suggestion.

It is great to hear that you enjoyed working with us; let us wish you all the best for your future career!

Kind regards

A good place to start off your career if you are willing to be patient and to be tolerant

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Learnship Networks GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Flexibility, mostly very friendly colleagues, international community. If you are young, looking for experience, international and motivated, this is a good place to start. If you are experienced, want to upgrade your career and have a family/ bigger responsabilities, better look for another place to work. Being fair: Learnship is OK as an employer, there is a lot of room for improvement and in general they do make an effort but in general the experience is as good as it can be. I have seen worse things.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

What I have mentioned before and what others have mentioned in their reviews. To current colleagues: your frustration is understandable, I feel that also every day. But this is not the only workplace in the world, you all are young and clever: do not waste your time working poorly and bitching around not only about the company but also about other colleagues. Get a good grip, set your life goals straight and look for a better job if you are unhappy and think that the company is horrible.


Work in improving the interaction between teams. There is a lot of antagonization and frustration. Improve the salary and offer more benefits to those who prove motivation and results! (not only sales people, please, as it currently happens).


In general it was OK. However, since 2020 the atmosphere has become quite tense due to the corona crisis and the uncertainty that has come along: there have been constant structural changes that do make you feel insecure about your future in the company and if whether your team will stop being relevant for the company and your contract will be terminated without further notice (this happened to a whole team and we were quite shocked by this). I also have to say: Account Management can be quite passive aggresive when it comes to defending their client's position even if their client is being a total jerk. I do wish that Account Management/ Sales people were more considerate towards other departments. It is understandable that they are trying to save their numbers but they sommetimes can turn against you if they think that your actions will mean losing money/ the friendship of their client. I wish that HR was aware of this situation: things are too focused on numbers, selling, breaking rules to keep the client smiling. But well, if you are a young professional you should understand that this happens in many companies and that you can always look for a better job somewhere else.


On the outside it seems as we carry a good portrait thanks to the marketing strategies and the product innovation. But mouth to mouth Learnship is getting a very bad reputation as an employer. Quite sad, actually because it could be much better.


You work the usual 8 hours between 8 am-6 pm depending on the department you are working in. If you become a parent and ask for a reduction of hours you do get the flexibility. Also if you are not a parent but you want more free time for your self you can talk with HR and get a reduction of hours as well. Learnship has finally taken Home Office into cosideration for the future, which allows you to save commute time. I applaud this and I hope that they install this permanently, not only during the corona crisis.


Many people have complained that there aren't any chances for improvement. If you consider the high personel rotation and that many are young professionals who find better places to work and leave, you will see that, if you do your work and keep it professional, you will understand that it is all about selling yourself and moving things to get them going well for you. If you only go, do your work, go back home and do not show your potential, do not expect them to offer you chances for improvement. They do offer language courses for employees but it takes quite some time until you can figure out if you are getting one or not. I think they could offer workshops, coaching to the employees and keep them motivated to learn and better themselves.


The salaries are quite low, sometimes you will have to take over more responsabilities without a pay rise but they made this clear in my interview and it is clearly stated in the contract that we all were free to sign or not. So yes, the salaries are indeed less tha OK but we were aware of this and we all got the contract translated to understand that this would happen, so I think people could complain less about this, we are adults and signed the contract on our free will. Not an ideal salary for people with family, with a load to carry at home. OK for foreign students who need to make a living in Cologne but sure there will be sacrifices made. No job benefits besides job ticket and 1x Homeoffice weekly in normal circumstances as well as a program for discounts, that is, not year utilities, bonuses or weihnachtsgeld. If these are important for you, you should look for other jobs, definitely.


We do not engage in such activities,I think we could do more about this.


The vibe between teams can be quite unfriendly sometimes. I believe the reason behind this is the fact that most of the colleagues are young and sometimes one does not know how to handle difficult situations properly and things are taken personally instead of thinking that everyone is doing their best in the best way they can/ they are willing to. However, members of the same team mostly treat each other well, which helps you go through the day. But I can say that most of the time one is treated with respect. There are though known cases of male colleagues who harass female colleagues in office partys/ events when they get too tipsy with drinks. I am not sure if the colleagues who were harrassed reported these situations but HR shows to be open to receiving anonymous reports via the HR mailbox or via anonymous brief by post.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There aren't colleagues who are older than 50, I think. Most colleagues are in their 20s, 30s, start-up like. But his also means a lot of people who do not know how to keep it professional in stressful situations because they simply do not have enough work experience. Be prepared for that too. If you are emotionally intelligent I think you will do fine with that.


There are many team heads/deputies who are there because of other people moving on to other departments/ leaving the company and they have stayed long enough in the company to reach that point. So they might have the knowledge of the product and the processes but they really lack the talent of leadership and professional experience to fill their position. They have good intentions, no doubt, but they definitely could make use of a better attitude towards other colleagues and a more team-spirited mind. I am not sure if they cannot see that their teams do not feel supported and trusted. Maybe invest in more professional coaching for them? Maybe chose team heads/ deputies based on their experience AS WELL as their aptitude for such a job?


Quite OK. Yes, hardware can be quite old, we had office chairs for years that caused back pain and the Cologne offices are like an oven in summer. During the heatwave of 2019 you were offered to do Homeoffice if you had a laptop (mostly management/ team heads), others had to stay because there wasn't any other option but at least they get you ice popsicles, I think that was a compassionate gesture at least. During the corona pandemic they did efforts to send everyone in homeoffice as soon as it was possible (I know from friends and relatives who were FORCED to go to their office until this very day in other companies, no exceptions were made). I am thankful that Learnship took charge of things and made sure that everyone could do HO. It took Learnship years to change working conditions and it is still taking them time to offer better ones, but at least they are doing something.


There have been efforst to improve internal communication by the management as for example instating company updates on a regular basis. I am very thankful for that. However, events on a small scale and that affect your job directly are sometimes communicated in a very ambiguous way. Everyone is always wondering, sugggesting things, gossiping around. I wish our team heads were not afraid to being open and to communicate what is going on so that we can prepare ourselves better. It is exhausting for our mental health, to be honest. But other than that the management/ HR does try their best to keep an open communication channel.


I do not think that there is discrimination based on your gender/ race/ cultural background. Actually I was surprised by the amount of female colleagues and cultures working here when I started. There are many people working here from all over the world and that is something that I really like of this company, I feel like my job will speak for itself and I will not be tagged for my origin as it has happened in other places I've worked before where.

Interessante Aufgaben

Quite tricky to say. It depens on the department you are working in and the current projects taking place. However, there is a considerable amount of outdated, manual processes that need to be improved/ re-structured urgently. Learnship is trying to move to a more automatic system to avoid unnecessary manual work so that you can concentrate on duties that are indeed interesting, that is something I praise. Be prepared for a lot of repetitive chain work where you will do your part and most probably the other chain/ team will not do their part due to a lack of motivation/ time/ communication and you will go back to zero with nothing and super frustrated.



Dear Learnshipper,

Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We appreciate your constructive feedback.

Mostly, we agree with the points, you made and are glad to hear that the effort, we already make to improve our working conditions, is recognized. Indeed, we are further working on this. Some measures to improve communication between the departments are currently on hold, due to the crisis, but will certainly be implemented as soon as possible. The same applies to personnel development: Trainings and Coachings are already in planning.

There is one aspect, we would like to comment on, which is the benefits, you mentioned. Next to the possibility of mobile working, a free job ticket, and corporate benefits, we would like to highlight that we also offer other benefits, such as a company pension scheme, free fruits and drinks, company as well as team events, a family and friends tariff for our courses, a tandem program and many more.

On the other hand, we are sorry to hear that the current situation is leading to uncertainty and that it is affecting your mental health. Please contact us, if you would like to speak about this and request some help. As you say that those feelings are common among employees, we would also be thankful for your input on what we can do to reduce them. Please contact us via corporatehr@learnship.com regarding this. If you prefer using an anonymous way, you can also send a letter to us (Corporate HR, Learnship Networks GmbH, Stolberger Str. 374, 50933 Köln).

We look forward working further together with you!

Kind regards,

Your Corporate HR Team

Bin froh, dass ich da raus bin.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei Learnship Networks GmbH in Köln gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Es gab Homeoffice.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Den Rest.


Behandelt die Mitarbeiter fair und mit Respekt. Das gilt auch für die Lehrer. Das Gehalt ist ein Witz für Kölner Verhältnisse. Es gibt Kollegen, die leben zusammen in einer WG, weil das Gehalt für eine eigene Wohnung nicht reicht.
Die Homeofficeregelung sollte innerhalb einer Abteilung für alle gleich gelten.


So lang man seine Arbeit machte und es keine "Probleme" gab, wurde man ignoriert.
Ständiges Kommen und Gehen. Es geht zu wie in einem Taubenschlag.


Das wird überschätzt. Die Marktingabteilung macht einen guten Job :-)


Es gab einmal in der Woche die Möglichkeit für Homeoffice. Wenn aus gesundheitlichen Gründen dazu kam, dass
man zwei Arzttermine in der Woche hatte, wurde man angeschnauzt, man solle doch die Termine besser organisieren.
Selbstverständlich galt die Regel mit einmal Homeoffice in der Woche nicht für Vorgesetzte.


Als Anbieter einer Lernplattform sollte man denken, dass es relativ leicht wäre, etwas für die
Mitarbeiter zu organisieren. Aber man hat es nicht geschafft, den Wünschen nach einer Weiterbildung
oder Zertifizierung zu entsprechen.


Das Gehalt ist eher unterdurchschnittlich (- 15-20%) für Kölner Verhältnisse.
Die Sozialleistungen sind die üblichen. Da war kein Highlight.


Früher wurde Wasser/Sprudel geliefert.
Das wurde dann irgendwann gestrichen und durch aufbereitetes und gefiltertes Leitungswasser ersetzt.
Das wurde als umweltverträgliche Innovation gefeiert, aber es bleibt immer noch Leitungswasser.
Der Obstkorb und die Snackbox waren ok.


Die IT Abteilung wird behandelt als wären sie Aussätzige.
Wenn IT'ler in der Küche zu Mittag aßen, meideten andere Abteilungen die Küche bis die It'ler fertig waren.
Innerhalb der IT Abteilung gab es eine klare Trennung, die aber von der Firma selbst verursacht wurde.
Man spürte deutlich, wenn man auf der falschen Seite war.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Die Kollegen wußten ständig, dass sie die ältesten in der Firma waren. "Freundliche" Seitenhiebe gab es ständig.


Kein Rückhalt durch die Vorgesetzten gegenüber anderen Abteilungen. Wenn es Probleme gab wurde die IT immer als inkompetent und unfähig dargestellt.


Standardbüroausstattung, keine Highlights. Nicht jeder hat neue neue Hardware bekommen.
Manchmal durfte man den alten und lahmen Kram vergangener Kollegen weiter benutzen. Als nach ca. 2 Jahren das Notebook
den Geist aufgab, bekam man wieder ne alte Kiste. Die war immerhin von 2015 und nicht von 2012.


Welche Kommunikation? Wenn es Kommunikation gab, dann eher Marketinggewäsch oder schlechte Nachrichten.
Die Schließung von Büros in anderen Städten wurde als Erfolg verkauft
und die dort geleistete Arbeit als sowieso ersetzbar dargestellt.
Und keine Panik, das sind ja IT Leute, die finden immer einen neuen Job.


Hier ging es weniger um Gleichberechtigung zwischen Mann und Frau.
Hier gilt wie man sich mit dem Vorgesetzte stellt und ihm widerspruchslos folgt.
Wenn man sich mit den Vorgesetzten gut stellte und zu allem ja und Amen sagte, war alles ok.
Wehe man hatte eine andere Meinung, dann wurde man fallen gelassen wie eine heiße Kartoffel.

Interessante Aufgaben

Die Plattform an sich und die verwendete Software waren spannend, aber die Angst vor neuen Innovationen war beträchtlich.
Man könnte ja Kunden verlieren. Man hatte auch kein Vertrauen in die Ideen der Mitarbeiter.
So blieb man eben beim jahrelangem alten Kram. Die Plattform hat viel Potenzial, das leider ungenutzt bleibt.



Liebe(r) ehemalige(r) Kollege/-in,

Wir empfinden es als schade, dass Sie Ihre Zeit bei uns als wenig positiv empfunden haben. Wir hätten uns gewünscht, dass Sie diese Themen bereits bei uns platziert hätten, als Sie noch bei uns angestellt waren, denn dann hätten wir unser Bestes getan, um die Situation für Sie zu verbessern.

Zunächst möchten wir betonen, dass unsere Gehälter dem Branchendurchschnitt entsprechen. Unsere Vergütungsstrukturen werden ständig überprüft und bei Bedarf angepasst.

Wir geben Ihnen Recht, dass die Kommunikation in der Firma durchaus Entwicklungspotential hat. Dieses wird bereits aktiv angegangen, wie beispielsweise durch monatliche Company Updates und regelmäßigere Teamübergreifende Meetings. Weitere Maßnahmen wurden im Zuge einer Mitarbeiterbefragung gemeinsam mit den Mitarbeitern entwickelt. Einige können aufgrund der Corona-Krise zur Zeit noch nicht implementiert werden – dies wird aber selbstverständlich passieren, sobald sich die wirtschaftliche Situation verbessert hat. Auch an dem Thema Karriere / Weiterbildung wird bereits gearbeitet, beispielsweise indem Kompetenzmodelle erstellt und Karrierewege festgelegt werden. Jeder Mitarbeiter soll zudem individuelle jährliche Entwicklungsziele bekommen.

Wir freuen uns, dass Sie die Möglichkeit mobil zu arbeiten als positiv bewerten. Dies soll auch zukünftig noch weiter ausgebaut werden.

Ihre Anmerkungen zu den Punkten Kollegenzusammenhalt, Umgang mit älteren Kollegen und Gleichberechtigung können wir schwer nachvollziehen. Uns ist es sehr wichtig, dass alle Mitarbeiter sich wohl fühlen, ihre Meinungen und Ideen miteinbringen können und auch dass zwischen den Abteilungen eine gute Atmosphäre herrscht. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns diesbezüglich via Email (CorporateHR@learnship.com) kontaktieren, damit wir die Möglichkeit haben, mehr über die Gründe und potentielle Lösungsansätze zu erfahren. Selbstverständlich können Sie uns auch einen anonymen Brief schreiben, sollten Sie sich damit wohler fühlen. Wir setzen uns dann gerne dafür ein, diese Punkte zu verbessern.

Ebenfalls schwer zu verstehen ist für uns der Punkt, dass wir Angst vor neuen Innovationen hätten. Im Gegenteil, wir sind offen für die Ideen unserer Mitarbeiter. Zudem entwickeln wir unsere Marke sowie unsere Produkte konstant weiter, zuletzt beispielsweise durch den Launch unseres ganz neuen Produkts SPRINT.

Sollten Sie weitere Anmerkungen haben, können Sie uns gerne jederzeit via CorporateHR@learnship.com kontaktieren.

Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute!

Beste Grüße

Ihr Corporate HR Team

They'll make you play the violin while the ship sinks

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Learnship Networks GmbH in Köln gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It pays your bills and allows you to look for a decent job on the side.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

All of the above.


I have no advice or kind words to spare for the management, except maybe to tone it down when asking their employees to write fabricated reviews in here to pump up their overall rating (it's really obvious that they're not legitimate). But for employees: look into joining a union. DGB has info in English. Don't trust the management or HR no matter how amiable they seem. They're not your friends. Try to know your rights because they'll try to take advantage of you in as many gray areas as they can, especially if you don't speak German.


Note: I was asked by the site to remove some parts of my review upon external demand. These contained feedback that was deemed problematic; having employees no official way of proving these events, unfortunately I had to comply.
My feedback applies mostly to the department I worked in. Because I’m not naming any names, let’s call this department Kursverwaltung for its equivalent in German (from now on abbreviated as KV).
At the beginning of my contract, the atmosphere was slightly more tolerable because LS had not acquired GlobalEnglish yet. They still needed us monkeys to grind away for them and create wealth in the form of courses and contractual relationships that they could later turn into profit (not into better salaries and conditions, no: what a waste that'd be). Therefore, they would make superficial efforts toward keeping us content. However, after September 2019 it became increasingly obvious that KV employees were now viewed as an expensive nuisance. The upper management became more neglectful and would talk nonchalantly of making us redundant “for the greater good of the company”. Our surroundings also deteriorated rapidly.


An exercise in smoke and mirrors.


LS's policies for breaks and holidays are miserly and I'm using a kind word here. Unpaid breaks policy that forces their fulltime employees to stay in the workplace for 9 hours. Total amount of holidays way below the national average (employees were "awarded" an extra day of holiday toward the end of 2019, after they begged for it for years, and the upper management backpedalled and took it away from them not even three months later, using the excuse of the CoVID crisis). Weird acrobatics around allowing frontline employees to work from home, with suggestions being made that they couldn't be trusted to perform well (pre-pandemic, but even post-outbreak, they delayed generalized home office as much as they possibly could). Employees being threatened with not having their holidays approved on time by their superiors. Employees being forced to cut their holidays in two and come to the office on a low workload day. I could go on for hours.


Not in the department I worked in. Not in most departments.


Big Red Flag: companies that brag about having a "young, multicultural team". Of "being a big family".
Young employees means you can push them out more easily and pay them less for more work. They're millennials so they shouldn't expect more than that, right?
Multicultural means a majority of your workforce is white Europeans with one/two "foreign" faces and names to fill the quota. (Edited out: feedback involving unequal treatment - I was urged to remove it since unfortunately my colleagues and I have no proof of this spoken conversation).
Being a big family means you will try to earn your naive employees' friendship by offering them good doggy treats (the odd free beer and donut) and then emotionally manipulating them into smiling thru the pain. It means that even though your profits are growing every year you won't raise their salaries or hire more people to make the workload manageable – but here, you’re giving them a fancy new coffee machine! Aren’t they lucky to work for such a nice company?


LS is the perfect example of corporate eco-hypocrisy in which they are currently providing services for companies that are in the list of responsibles for over 70% of total carbon emissions, deforestation and plastic waste (again, no names but let’s say there’s a big A and a big N in there) while releasing quirky newsletters advising their employees to cycle to work and take showers instead of baths.


KV has some brilliant, talented, generous, hard-working and interesting people working for them. And it’s crucial for the upper management to ensure that none of these people ever reach any higher positions so that the Big Bosses can continue doing the bare minimum.
It was sad to see colleagues who were otherwise good and friendly people fall into the dynamic of dog-eat-dog over a supermarket cashier’s salary. (Mind you, at least the cashier’s job is contributing to society. Ours only contributed to making the Big Bosses and their investors richer).

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Have you heard of elderly poverty? People prefer to avoid it. That's why there aren't many employees over the age of 35 in LS. Those who were, were usually in higher positions or had a passion for the job which I sincerely cannot understand.


Of all supervisors I’ve had in my life, these were the appallingly worst at their job and most unwilling to do anything beyond taking credit for their subordinates’ work. Here’s the tip of the iceberg of things my supervisors did during the couple of years I worked at LS:
•(Edited out: feedback involving computer screens - I was urged to remove it since unfortunately my colleagues and I have no way of proving it.)
•Unloaded advanced tasks onto new, untrained employees. I'm talking a week into the job.
•Organized fake interviews for positions that had already been appointed to someone else behind the scenes.
•Refused to support the team in times of very high workload while reporting the opposite to their superiors. All other supervisors helped their teams.
•Threatened and yelled at employees over “personal attacks” (that is, when given polite negative criticism about failure to support the team).
•Pressured employees to come to the office on time during extreme weather events (Storm Sabine) and the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in Germany.
•Refusing to help employees working in a room at 32 degrees Celsius.


Here’s a list of relevant events:
-A colleague had to sit with their back to a bare window for months before someone came and installed blinds for them, by which time it had already caused them vision problems
-HR later asked us to “prepare” for a safety inspection by moving our desks if we were sitting with our backs to a window. Yes, instead of installing blinds.
-Our immediate superior ignored our cries for help when the temp in our room well exceeded 32 degrees (heatwave of July 2019). One of us started feeling unwell and finally had to leave. This went on for several days until the heatwave receeded.
-Part of the ceiling in one of the offices collapsed after a big storm, with water leaking directly onto an electrical box. This remained unrepaired for months on end. Some paper tissues were taped on to the box for good measure, though.
-Employees asked not to “loiter” in one of the kitchens after the Big Bosses decided to turn it into their VIP-only coffee room.
-High workload/staff cuts combo makes it impossible to properly support trainers.


Performative, strategically opaque at best; non-existent at worst.
After the management received feedback that not enough information was permeating to their employees, we saw an increase in the number of weekly updates, private meetings, “catch-up”s and the like. These didn't seem to have a goal beyond maintaining appearances and “boosting morale”, aka telling employees what good boys and girls they are for gritting their teeth and going on with the show in exchange for crumbs.
In those rare occasions where bad news were delivered openly, a big emphasis was placed on looking on the bright side of things; a sentiment that may be fitting for emotional therapy sessions or self-help quotes, but grossly inappropriate to force on employees when they are suffering the consequences of poor managerial decisions. The most insulting example I can think of has already been mentioned in previous reviews: it was announced once, very casually, that an entire department would be dismissed and we were told not to worry about them because “they would surely find another job soon”.


(Edited out: feedback involving unequal treatment - I was urged to remove it since unfortunately my colleagues and I have no way of proving this)
The job offers marked with "no German skills needed" were the worst paid in the company, the most precarious, with the highest turnover rate.
Picking up the topic of sexual harassment from another review, several female employees informally reported being filmed without consent and having their personal space invaded by a male colleague during the last office summer party I attended to in 2019. This male colleague exhibited the exact same behaviour in the office party that took place two years earlier. Another male employee was known to make inappropriate comments at a different party.
I find it frankly pathetic that the HR department has the audacity to threaten reviewers with legal action when they speak up on sexual harassment anonymously.They do it anonymously because they know reports to HR always fall on deaf ears if they involve any real effort.

Interessante Aufgaben

“Most people would feel insulted if they were employed in throwing stones over a wall, and then in throwing them back to earn their wages. But many are no more worthily employed nowadays”. -Henry David Thoreau



Dear former colleague

We are always open for constructive feedback. We take it very seriously and do our best to improve any aspects that are perceived negatively. However, your comment seems only destructive to us. As there are many accusations in your comment, but we only have limited space here, we decided to address the most important ones:

First of all, we vehemently have to contradict your accusations of tolerating sexual harassment and being racist. We do not have any record of open cases of sexual harassment. We are following a strict Code of Conduct and are assertively prohibiting such behaviour. Employees know about the opportunity to address complaints anonymously to us, either online or face to face. Each and every complaint is being taken seriously and will be pursued. Should there be any open case which you know about, please contact us via CorporateHR@learnship.com or if you feel more comfortable, via an anonymous letter to “Learnship Networks GmbH, c/o Corporate HR, Stolberger Str. 374, 50933 Köln”.

As a company we are proud to be working with such a diverse team. Hiring as well as promotion decisions are made based on competencies. It is true that there are some positions, in which a fluency of the German language is required. We of course also hire and promote employees to these positions, who speak German, but are coming from another country. We have many examples for this. In addition, it is actually the case that for a position in most of our departments, you do not even have to speak German. That does not only apply to the department “Kursverwaltung” as you call it, but also to other departments, such as for example to the Academy, Intercultural Training Team, Trainer Recruiting and Administration Team or our IT-Team. As it is also defined in our values, Diversity is enrichment and gives us the opportunity to use the best of all worlds and cultures. We truly believe in this and therefore are shocked to read about your accusations.

Lastly, we would like to highlight that we strongly care about our employee’s well being and health. We are regularly checking in with our employees to make sure that certain ergonomic requirements are met, not only in times of safety inspections. In addition, we conduct regular health surveys, offer free health examinations as well as regular safety trainings and provide you with tipps on your health via our monthly newsletter or Yammer. During the heatwave of July 2019, you mentioned, we installed fans and blinds. You are right that a storm put a hole in the ceiling, but the employees, who were working in this room were immediately transferred to another room and a repair service was contacted the same day.

Of course, you have the right to state your experience with us via this platform, but as some of your accusations are simply not true and defamatory, we are checking our legal rights to delete your comment in order to defend our reputation.

In the end, we think it is a shame that you chose to present your concerns only online, instead of contacting us with feedback directly, as we are always there for our employees and making every effort to help them with any issues, they might have.

Kind regards,
Your Corporate HR Team

Dieser Kommentar bezieht sich auf eine frühere Version der Bewertung.


Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Learnship Networks GmbH in Köln gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich



Faire Löhne.


Man kann nicht seine Meinung ohne Angst vor Strafe ausdrücken
Everybody is afraid of being fired at the Moment


Abandon the "Ship" if you can






All my Friends have been fired


Mobbers und Schwindler


Undurchsichtig, irreführend, hochnäsig

Interessante Aufgaben




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Dear colleague,

Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We always take feedback very seriously. However, as your comment is rather short, we have trouble understanding most of your points. We are always doing our best to improve the situation for our employees, so please contact us via CorporateHR@learnship.com in order to explain your points further. You certainly do not have to expect any negative consequences for expressing constructive feedback.

One aspect, we especially do not understand is “all my friends have been fired” as there have not been any mass layoffs. We understand that the current crisis can lead to uncertainty, as it probably does in most companies, but we are doing our best to help you through this.

Again, please let us know, if you would like to speak about the situation confidentially. Should you want to raise constructive feedback anonymously, you may send us a letter to “Learnship Networks GmbH, c/o Corporate HR, Stolberger Str. 374, 50933 Köln" or to put a note into our letter box in front of our office.

Kind regards,
Your Corporate HR Team

Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.
