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Failed to send an application feedback.

Bewerber/inHat sich 2015 als Web Developer HTML5 beworben und sich schließlich selbst anders entschieden.


Couldn't see much of the company but, then I could sense that there were mostly young techie people which makes it a bit cooler place to work at. Interviewers were good and professional.
I was surprised when the interview panelists told me that they were not expecting me for the interview, as they were briefed by the HR about a supposedly meeting cancellation e-mail sent by me. They offered to verify this, as I never sent such a mail at the first place.
They discussed about company's operation and I could understand what they were looking for in the advertised position.
At the end, they told me I would receive a feedback on a particular day, which I dint receive. I sent a mail and there was no response from the HR. Every candidate has the right to get a feedback. So I sincerely request that if you do not like someone, please say no and send a feedback next time. And I donot know what to say about confusion created about cancellation email.

Anyways, the company looks interesting and quite cool to work at baring these 2 instances as they are working on some latest technologies.

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