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A formerly good company in decline

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Raisin in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There have been things, but they are gone.


Try to see employees not just as resources, but as human beings.
If you want to be diverse and inclusive: Do it. Not just talk the talk, but walk the walk.
Do not shift focus every few months, employees won't know what the strategy was.
Set boundaries for people. There is clearly a culture where especially white men can do and say whatever they want.


After the merger with Deposit Solutions, a lot of people now move into processes and continue to live the DS Top-Down culture that never was Raisin's culture. Besides, the layoff in the last month and people leaving out of free will leave an atmosphere of insecurity and unease.


Once, the management was transparent. Today, Raisin is an intransparent corporate, nobody knows what's the visions and where we are going. Additionally, the cost cut and connected lay-offs were sugar-coated as "simplification".


Really depends on which department you work. I'd say in general it's falling apart.


Never any issues here. Every over hour came out of free will, no force into that direction.


If the management does not lead as good example, how should Leads be better? There are trainings for Leads, but I am afraid I never experienced a company where most of the Leads seem to be unqualified to lead people.

Interessante Aufgaben

I'D say for 1, 2 years it's thrilling. After that, It kind of gets repetitive.


There is a lot of talking about that and a female Managing Director. Besides, there is nothing like that. The company is clearly made for (old) white men.
Raisin will say: But look at how diverse we are. Well, that mostly comes from the Tech Department and there are not enough qualified people in Germany, so they are forced to hire somewhere else, e.g. India.
What I see is, that most POCs are leaving and the one staying are held in lower positions.
What I see is, that the Berlin Office clearly is not made for people with diablilities. Heavy doors, small bathrooms. Certainly, a person in a wheel chair is lost in this building.
Besides homosexuality, I wouldn't consider Raisin a safe space for anyone LGBTQIA+.
On a more general level, they have a "D&I" program. I never experienced coming something out of it. Also, "Diversity" and "Inclusion" are good, even though you do not do anything for it. Butt what about "Equity" ... ?

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I see no issues here.


Great IT department, home office, well-equipped Office. Nothing negative to say about it.


Also here, a lot of talking and internal initiatives, but I cannot see something really coming out of it. Management does not care about it.


Salaries are average or below, depending on where you work and how well you negotiated. They offer company pension scheme.


I'D say in the Fintech area they have quite a good reputation.


You have budget for it, but the company do not have career paths and so you Lead won't have any idea how to develop you. Everything must come out of you. Raisin is not actively interested to develop employees, when they are not in the annual Talent Program.
Promotions are done without any plan for the future which comes from missing career paths.
