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Very poor management and leadership

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The people of Uberall and the culture seem to be so stable that even the poor management can not break it.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I am not sure if this company has a longterm chance with this current management. He is not experienced enough and doesn't realize that with his personality and style he can never manage a bigger company. Driven by his multiple opinions, not listening to anyone except his friends - how can he truly step up the game?


Look at your management team, especially in Tech and Product. Start listening to your (experienced) people there, they have things to say! The lack of experience in Tech management is shocking. If you don't invest there and hire experienced people, this will have longterm damages.


The atmosphere is great thanks to the colleagues and the initiatives coming from HR. Overall the company and the HR Team really care about employees. But this can not hide that this company is a boys club. It's mostly about old friends. Clear favoritism.


Overall they try hard. But since there is no communication to the managers, cascading information is not happening. It is driven by whom you know and who can provide you with information.


Too many decisions related to Tech and Product depend on relationships and friendship. This leads to favoritism and that is basically the management style.

Interessante Aufgaben

Not in Engineering. Because they don't have experienced managers they also don't know how to set up, organize and develop a Tech team. To have interesting and challenging tasks is the basics in Engineering. But since the boys club is not listening you can not explain it to them.


I know that overall this is the aspiration of Uberall. But this will never be the case if they don't admit and see their male dominance.










We thank you for your honest input and insights. We'll make sure to keep it close and revisit certain points. Over time, we believe, we can improve on anything that we have an influence over and an impact on.

We appreciate you supporting us in this.

Thank you.
