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Chaotic, ignorant and inefficient

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei Wirecard in Aschheim gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

If you are below average in terms of skill and can pretend to be working, you can have an easy life with a decent salary without having to lift your finger to often to do real work.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Everything, except the worker bees


Nothing that they don't know already but couldn't care less about


The real worker bees (techies) are usually friendly, the banksters have a certain level of arrogance that you can feel. People appear to be divided by classes, people barely greet another either, except you know them. The majority of people are utterly clueless and useless. That starts from the application engineer that doesn't understand how garbage collection works in a JVM, to project managers just being a gofer for everything but the actual project, sales for selling things that are technically impossible to implement or they would break compliance, up to management that got promoted thanks to nepotism (which is still very common). Competence and good work is not wanted nor appreciated, advice from technically experienced employees is ignored. Every year there is a restructure that is utterly pointless. The only thing that changes is the organization structure chart, but the fundamental problems like lack of communication, little to no technical standards, processes or documentations continue to exists. Don't bother asking how these issues are solved, because nobody has an answer or actually cares.
Only growth matters. Growth results in value, eg growth = money;


There is no such thing as communication. The most reliable information are the whispers in the coffee and smoking areas. People talk a lot (way to much even) and only through accidentally eavesdropping you find out what's going on, but these infos are usually more solid than anything from management. There are multiple communication platforms just for HQ that are not compatible with another, which makes ops tasks unnecessarily complicated and redundant. Every department works in their own silos, has their own redundant software stack and sometimes 3 departments work parallel on the same solution without even knowing about it. I have never seen in operational or administrative areas any documents that would resemble business requirements and technical requirements in written form with use cases and things that you'd typically expect to find in such papers, to get projects organized. Everything's just thrown around in emails, 2 different chat clients that are also not compatible to another, and multiple documentation and ticketing platforms, etc and of course personally, if you are on good terms with the folks involved that have a say in it.


It varies a lot from team to team, as well as department. My team was pretty cool including my lead and we supported another as much as possible, but i guess we are one of the few.


Burn out is very common. I have seen quite a few competent people lose their minds because of the politics and stress the environment unnecessarily causes. There's a gym and some massage chairs, a mediocre cafeteria and some other small things. It's a nice to have but imo doesn't make up for the stuff that you have to deal with on a daily basis. Yes, 40h weeks are commonly defined in your contract, but no 40h week can get a 10 year backlog of work evened out while being understaffed and no gym will help you deteriorating mind become fit again.


Russian roulette: sometimes you are lucky, sometimes you are not. Teamleads usually suffer the same or even more as you do, so the relation to them usually is ok. Management from head and higher is absolutely catastrophic. Transparency, which you would think would be necessary to a degree to think ahead and plan for the future, is none existent. There are no outlooks how the company intends to do solve specific issues on any level (apart from its own growth), just empty promises and generalized goals like globalization that you would normally feed investors with some powerpoint slides made by your PR department.

Interessante Aufgaben

Technically things should be interesting, because the company has the financial backing to buy the fanciest stuff on the market. The reality is that a lot resources are wasted on things that are never used, because departments or specific people block the implementation on purpose. As interesting as a topic seems, this company manages to ruin almost everything right from the start, to the end. The only thing that you learn is how to _not_ do it.


Way to many unnecessary obstacles to get work done efficiently. Starts with hardware, ends with software. Every employee that works with Unix systems, works on Windows, even the ones with Macs. You can not trust anyone to get things done. You have to be project manager, architect, designer, programmer and admin at the same time. Every information that you need to continue, needs to be gathered by you, because nobody else will do it for you, even if their job title would imply that it should. You are essentially Don Quichotte fighting against windmills. Nobody really knows how to manage a project. There's not enough staff to manage the project(s) plus daily business, at which point everything is escalated as high priority. The company is not willing to pay good money for skilled permanent employees that would be necessary for these jobs, instead they rather wastes additional money in consultants that walk away with knowledge or buy cheap and lesser qualified labor in masses, to compensate for a few expensive competent ones.
Nobody wants to be responsible for anything, only when there's some sort of reward or praise, especially middle management.


Internal discussions about ethical and moral implications of mobile payment, biometric authentication or data acquisition is not appreciated.


People are underpaid for this industry. Partially justified due to the majority being clueless/useless and coming from countries with a lesser average salary.


Surprisingly way to good, even though trustpilot, Playstore and App store have horrible reviews. Wirecard apparently invests a lot of money in good PR.


Doesn't exist, titles don't mean anything, you are stuck until you switch departments, just to be stuck again. Every once in a while there might be a training offered to you, but usually none of it is applicable because that would imply that the company works as you'd expect it from a real enterprise business. For foreigners there's a German language course, though the quality varies from miserable to manageable.



Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. We are sorry to hear that your experience wasn't positive. The past years have been years of transition and growth for Wirecard and as we move forward we are continuously working on the improvement of our organization and the way we work. We will take your points of criticism into consideration. Again, thank you for your feedback and we wish you all the best for your future.
