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How to cripple a project

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FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung bei Vulcan Energie Ressourcen GmbH in Karlsruhe gearbeitet.


Everyone is scared due to management behaviour. There may be a reason that in the last two to three months workers council wre established (or are establishing).


On paper it looks fine: Townhalls, CEO chat, Newsletter and some other channels are in place, but the question is the value of these formats and it was shown latest: it is not to communicate transparent, it is not to take care of questions people do have in mind.
What is really a mess is that Vulcan sees itself as start-up-company heading for a more concern-like structure. So every time something is not clear you get either an answer out of the start-up-toolbox or out of the concern-toolbox.


Interestingly enough with the establishment of a department structure the team spirit inside the teas stays more or less good, the way of working between teams is now lacking of a common understanding. Everyone is blaming someone else that he or she didn't do, what was expected. So long story short: Team spirit in declining.


Except a few employees it is "Vertrauensarbeitszeit" without recording overtime and the official communication is that Vulcan will change this not in the near future or to be more precise: as long as the legislature doesn't force Vulcan to do so, Vulcan will not. Therefore you work 40h/week and more and it is accepted to have on afternoon off or so.


Depending highly on the team, you're in. Some managers are really interest in developing the project and the people, but getting distorted by incomplete processes, missing budgets, missing responsibilites (and accountabilites).

Interessante Aufgaben

The idea of the project is interesting. The development and execution are lacking of an over all management system to identifiy, distribute, execute, control and close-out of things that should be done.


Never faced any discrimination myself, but hard fact is: only few women in manager positions (and to be honest: trend is positive here).

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Hard to tell, only a few experienced colleagues are there and they there treated equally. Looking at the info of this field: Vulcan is really looking for experience people.


Ordinary equipment, but unacceptable Wi-Fi. It is common in Raumfabrik to switch of your camera to have better quality of your MS teams connection.


The idea of the project implies a high level of environmental awareness.


Looking, where Vulcan is and where Vulcan wants to be: Sometimes sufficient, sometimes insufficient. The real issue is: no process of a clear salary improvement is existing and even a fair salary adjustment in context of inflation compensation is missing. For some people a bonus syste is in place, for the most of the people not. And while Vulcan has so-called grades fo ever position, it is not allowed to know what grade you have and which job description applies for your position


Impossibile to rate. I don't know what other people telling in private. What I see is a change of values Vulcan is based on. New values are climate champion, determined and inspiring. Old ones were integrity, leadership, sustainability and future-focused.


Development budget was canceled. Development for specific people emerge out of the nowhere with no clear indication, why and how this is possible in the light of a stopped people development.
Indeed it is possible climb up the ranks, but framework for such an elevation is unclear and depends highly on your personal network.

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People & CultureHuman Resources

Dear colleague,

thank you for your feedback eventhough you made some harsh statements.

Well, perception is something one can not argue against, so we will not. It is just sad to read it. But we will try our best to consider all the points you have mentioned to improve our endeavours step by step.

We can´t see any fear within the staff but if this is how you perceive it, we are sorry for it. Unfortunately we needed to terminate the contract with a handful of people during last year, but you can be assured that Vulcan is not eager to fire its employees if there are not serious and delicate issues that justify these steps. Then it makes no sense for both parties to continue, so it is better to follow different paths. But it is never an easy decision. Especially because we want to grow and build up this company and need every single one of our staff to be successful.

You are right, we don´t have too many female leaders yet, but as you said, the trend is positive and that is a big achievement especially for a company focussing on engineering and technical jobs in general. So your evaluation with three stars seems a little harsh.

We also have a clear salary improvement cycle with defined grades for each position and this cycle occurs every year. We try to stick to the industry standards, but we are not a producing company yet, still a start up. So for now our resources are not endless. Speaking about inflation compensation. It is getting more expensive for Vulcan as well, so we know of no other company which is currently compensating the current inflationrates. At least not the ones that are in similar phases.

We are far from perfect yet, that is for sure. But we are on a way of innovation with our technology and in the making of this company simultaneously. So, there is much space for improvement and there were and will be ups and downs. We are also working on a concept for our people development, but it takes some time to build these foundations and we do not want to do it overhasty. Rome was not built in one day.

Thanks again for you feedback, but we also wished that you would have talked to us directly as well.

Best regards,
People & Culture Team
