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Employees only matter if you can use them to improve your reputation in media like linkedin and twitter.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Wirecard in Aschheim gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Divers, intercultural teams.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

see below


See below. I don't think that this can be fixed as senior management would need to change on nearly all levels.


Most of management is rotten on all seniority levels. Employees are only seen as working horses where pressure and workload can be off-loaded.
Politics have become more important then knowledge.
No trust between departments as fingerpointing became company culture.
Within most teams working atmosphere is very good but all in all it is very bad and gets worse every week.
It seems it is strategy to hire people from far away countries which don't complain and don't get the idea to found a union.
Way of working gets redefined frequently, no consistency and no visible improvements.


Internal communication is even worse then the external one.
If you want to know what is going on in the company better have an excellent internal network and follow the company news on public websites.


Within teams and even between different departments most employees still try to achieve something and work and support each other.
A few deparments are only play politics.


Depends heavily which department you are in. There are colleagues working hard to get their tasks done and others which have the time to play with their personal smartphones all day long. Some show up at 10 am and leave at 4pm others work minimum 10 hrs per day.


Depends heavily which department you are in. Some care, some don't and some play politics.
Nobody is rude and usually also nobody shouts.

Interessante Aufgaben

You could learn a lot but you don't have the time to research and to dig deeply into topics.
Used technologies are not really up to date which makes it difficult to keep outstanding technical personel.


Works quite well as Wirecard employees are quite divers.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Have seen only a few.


Most of the rooms are without AC. Locker rooms and showers are in bad condition (pre-corona as currently closed).
To few restrooms for the amount of people.
If something is broken e.g. in the kitchen or showers it takes ages untill it gets fixed.
Home office is possible but there is no support with getting the required equipment. so you have the choice to sit with your laptop on your kitchen chair or buy monitors, keyboard chair on your own cost.


Sustainability is only known when it helps to improve reputation in external media.
Not enough bicycle stands.
Employees are only seen as cost factor.


Compared to other companies in Munich lower but not really bad. Also depends which department you are in and how good you are in negotiating with your management.


Currently really bad but a few weeks ago it was not much better.


Trainings are possible but budget for it seems to be too low or management tries to save costs by not using it?
