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Leave before it's to late

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Ex-FührungskraftHat bis 2015 im Bereich Produktion bei Goodgame Studios Management GmbH in Hamburg gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The only thing that kept me working here for so long: the colleagues.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Superiors
- Salary
- Working conditions
- Management
- Hypocrisy
- Politics
- Unethical hire and fire mentality
- Dishonesty
- Core values which don't count for all the ruthless superiors
- Kicking people who insist on their legal rights
- Manipulation and playing off employees against each other
- Praying core values and great benefits, which are a lie
- Uncontrolled growth
- Exploiting the workers, who are the company's capital
and, and, and...


You have already fired everyone who would have been capable of bringing improvements to the company. Congratulations. Good job. Thank you very much, especially for not listening to the people who know about the real s*** and being courageous enough to speak the truth, but kicking them instead. You have now publicly shown that you are not interested in the well being of your work force, but only care about your money and the image. You have ignored all the warnings over the years and now you have shown your real face. We will no longer be your tools. That's why me and others have resigned now. You'll have to find other monkeys to do your dirty job and spread the lies among the staff members.


- It's great working together with the colleagues. You can have a lot of fun.
- Well, after many of the good guys were fired without any warning, everyone is depressed and frightened now. Especially the dishonesty by management and superiors about the reasons and the obvious lies are now driving the remaining valuable and itelligent workers away.


- Good between colleagues.
- Unbelievably dishonest from the higher ups.
- Questions regarding obvious company core problems are not being answered during Q&A sessions, or politically correct avoided by talking a lot but not saying anything.
- The press releases and the current reactions by management are devastating. Employees have been fired without warning, even if they had excellent reviews weeks before. Still they are trying, by seeding distrust and fear among the unexperienced and young juniors, to avoid the workers' council, which was meant to fight for the employee's rights.


The only real good thing about this company is the solidarity of the working class. I've seen many friendships develop.


- Some departments only allow one team member at a time to take holidays.
- You have to ask at least one week before.
- You are being regularily forced to plan your remaining days if you didn't do until June.


Three different types of leaders:
- Selfish "managers" who use their experience to manipulate and exploit employees while playing the "I'm your mate" game
- Completely inexperienced, incapable and lazy "wannabes"
- Extraordinary capable and helpful leaders, that take care of the job and their underlings (but these are extremely rare to find and as we have seen, fired without warning as soon as they ask inconvenient questions).

Interessante Aufgaben

- Interesting tasks and you can do and learn a lot, but only if you do it on your own. You can't expect any of your superiors to be interested in what you do or what benefit it would be for the project. What you can expect for sure: your voluntary extra work will be used by your superiors to adorn themselves with borrowed plumes.
- You can work 80 hours a week or watch TV streams the whole day long. Because of the high amount of incapable superiors, chances are very low that someone would ever notice. Even if: you don't have any benefit by working your *** off, nor can you expect consequences if you are lazy and doing just nothing - only as long as you do shut up and stay in line, of course.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

- You are very lucky if you find someone this age at this company. The bulk is extremely young and just out of school.


- Cheap interior.
- No air condition.
- Noisy.
- 24 holidays (you have to take 4 of them during christmans). At my last employers I had between 28-30.
- Overtime is not allowed and therefore not compensated
- Instead of doing your job, you are forced to work just half as hard and spend the rest of the time running around and telling everyone how good you are (pretending to work is key to save your job)
- Flexitime (if you even have) is a joke: Core hours 10am - 5pm


- Garbage is separated but thrown into one container at the end of the day.
- Charity is only used for marketing and image campaigns.


To make it short:
An unbounded cheek.

The fact that the minimum wage was a big raise for many employees shows the exploitation at this company and how they don't care about keeping professionals. Especially for Germany/Hamburg this is not even close to appropriate salary. You can easily get 1.5 times to twice the money by getting a job at another big player, and even more benefits (like fully payed HVV card,...). People have to struggle to pay their rent every month and hoping it will get better one day, as it is permanently promised by superiors, but have to find out that those promises are fake and broken over and over again. Some departments already have the slogan "40h Hartz4", which means something like "Having to work 40 hours for unemployment benefits".


That's what the company lives for. Nothing is more important than the image. It will also ensure a constant supply of new and naive interns and juniors, which can easily be replaced as soon as they figure out the dirty tricks, which is basically after one year. The image brought to the outside and to the inside is not even close to reality. Or do you think, the "GGS in the news" newsletter will show the dozens of negative reports or news videos (tonality: honest)?


- You can gain many new skills and develop yourself, but only if you do it on your own.
- If you like to get promoted, you are completely reliant on the capriciousness of your superior. Performance doesn't count, only the political opinion and how good you play the game. You have said one single negative word about your superior? Forget about any promotions and better apply for another job asap.
- Trainings are not really existent. The few slightly useful courses are very rare and you have to wait months or forever to get them. Of course only the superior decides if yout get those trainings...


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