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3 Bewertungen von Bewerbern

kununu Score: 2,2

3 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

Negative experience with amateur people

Bewerber/inHat sich 2020 als Senior Android Developer beworben und eine Absage erhalten.


After my application, the HR approached me to ask salary expectation straight away. Post my response, they sent me a coding challenge. Feedback was positive and they were impressed by my solution. I was then invited to a technical discussion with a Senior resource and an Android developer. The senior resource introduced himself but did not let his colleague introduce himself. I felt weird. During the technical discussion, I was asked a few questions related to the coding challenge. The interviewer was clarifying his doubts more than evaluating my knowledge. The Android guy asked me a simple programming question which was really easy to solve. The interview finished quicker than the schedule. I asked various questions related to their coding style and practices. They came out people with less knowledge.

In two days I received a rejection and upon asking feedback I did not receive any reply.

It seems like they don't have a budget to hire knowledgeable people and try to find someone who they could easily bend for less salary.

Erklärung der weiteren Schritte

Professionalität des Gesprächs

Zufriedenstellende Reaktion

Wertschätzende Behandlung

Vollständigkeit der Infos

Erwartbarkeit des Prozesses

Zufriedenstellende Antworten

Zeitgerechte Zu- oder Absage

Angenehme Atmosphäre

Schnelle Antwort


Rejected after spending one week doing the task and without any details, just a generic email

Bewerber/inHat sich 2019 als Developer beworben und eine Absage erhalten.


Improve transparency and have more respect of candidates time.

If a candidate implements a technical task he should receive technical report on where he did wrong so he can improve.

You just give a generic answer "you didn't match" and that's all. That is an absolute no-go!

So WHY I did not match I still wait for an answer?

Erklärung der weiteren Schritte

Professionalität des Gesprächs

Zufriedenstellende Reaktion

Wertschätzende Behandlung

Vollständigkeit der Infos

Erwartbarkeit des Prozesses

Zufriedenstellende Antworten

Zeitgerechte Zu- oder Absage

Angenehme Atmosphäre

Schnelle Antwort




Dear applicant,

thank you for your comment. We highly regret that you have the feeling that your effort in the application process was not sufficiently appreciated.

We are constantly working on our processes and putting a lot of effort into our recruiting procedure to ensure that not only our employees, but of course every applicant feels comfortable with us. We also attach great importance to a fair and transparent application process and check all applications and results of coding tasks carefully. This process takes some time and occasionally can lead to delays in coordination. Please feel free to contact us personally if you have any further questions.

We wish you all the best for your next career move!

your team at Neugelb

Unprofessional Hiring process

Bewerber/inHat sich 2018 bei diesem Unternehmen beworben und eine Absage erhalten.


They should hire a better HR or Proffesional recruiter

Erklärung der weiteren Schritte

Professionalität des Gesprächs

Zufriedenstellende Reaktion

Wertschätzende Behandlung

Vollständigkeit der Infos

Erwartbarkeit des Prozesses

Zufriedenstellende Antworten

Zeitgerechte Zu- oder Absage

Angenehme Atmosphäre

Schnelle Antwort




Thank you for your feedback.

We always value a variety of perspectives and we like to see that not only employees, but also candidates share their opinion.

We are sorry that you did not have a better impression of our contact because it is important to us that all our applicants feel appreciated and have a positive experience during the application process at NEUGELB. Therefore, we are putting a lot of effort into our recruiting procedure and are constantly working on improvements.

We wish you all the best for your professional future,
your team at NEUGELB
