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If you do not want to be out after 6 months with no reasons, do not work here

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich Finanzen / Controlling bei Sixt in Berlin gearbeitet.


I know Sixt shows like it has the open door for people who have constructive feedbacks like me. You will reply me such as the person in the People Team will want to talk with me .... In fact I did not have the Exit Interview with HR like many other companies do.

If you do not want to see those comments like me here, better have this Exit Interview the day 1 person was being throwed out. Otherwise the Manager, the Team inside Sixt will do whatever bias they want !

And I hope you will investigate that matters seriously because it ruins the reputation the company tried to build for more than 100 years


The working environment is fake. You do not know the person who works closely with you is actually said sth behind your back.


Communication is bad. I have 1 and 1 with my direct manager every 2 weeks, never 1 time complain, all seems to be normal. The end of my probation time, they said I am not matching.


The colleagues who stay longer in the team have more inluence on the management. In other words, if you are new, the Manager will not listen to you or give you the chance to defense yourself. It is not the place for foreigners, you will feel fake connection from the others in the team


Shows nice outside, but inside, not open for another opinions at all. In fact, if they think they are right, they will terminate you, not even give you the clues why, or any warnings before.
At the end of the day, they will say, you do not match. So the whole recruiting process is a joke, the 6 months no constructive feedback is a waste of time.
Time, money is wasted because of this poor team for Sixt itself.

Interessante Aufgaben

repetitive task. The older person in the team have the rights to give you whatever he / she thinks is right, do not care you are employed actually not for all the time doing these tasks


You will feel you are outsider in many aspects.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

you are not welcomed there. They will let you alone, in the work, in the party....The minimum hello is not there, you have to intitate the conversations


no bonus at all


no opportunity for continuing learning





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Dein SIXT Karriere Team, SIXT
Dein SIXT Karriere TeamSIXT

Dear former employee,

Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback with us. We genuinely appreciate your insights and constructive criticism. We are committed to continuous improvement, and your feedback plays a crucial role in this process. We would indeed like to invite you to a personal dialogue to learn the circumstances surrounding your exit interview. Understanding the reasons behind your experience is essential for us to enhance our workplace environment.

Please feel free to schedule a meeting with us at karriere@sixt.com at your earliest convenience. We look forward to gaining deeper insights into your concerns and discussing potential areas for improvement.

Thank you once again for your contribution.

The SIXT Career Team
