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Quite honestly: one of the worst I've had so far

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

They paid me well.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

No Structure, endless and useless meetings, no clear communication, no leadership (leaders are not taking responsibility)


Improve your communication: Every employee should know everyday, WHAT should they be doing? What is expected from them?

Improve your Task-Managment: WHO is in charge? Who is giving orders? Who is taking responsibility?


Like a cult: Everyone has to be happy and positive, no one wants to hear facts and criticism. That way the make it look like everyone's super awesome happy when in reality most of them are not.


I get my work-related information most of the time from rumors. It says something about communication when they have a "team-update" every month, yet nobody (apperantly) saw it coming that half of the staff gets released.


some better some worse. depends on the department.


Some come and go when they please while others have to be on time without any real reasons.


one of the worst I've seen so far. literally anything you can do wrong they do: not taking responsibility, micromanagment, wrong setting of priorities, no clear communication, the list goes on.

i don't even know who my head-ofs are: There are just random "head-ofs" turning up and telling me what to do. A says white and B says black and if you do white B is mad, if you do black A is mad.

Instead of working on those hierarchy problems they introduce some weird "circle"-hierachy where basically every head-of can put any task on any employee... works as good as it sounds.

Interessante Aufgaben

thought there were more opportunities in a "start-up" but no... you're just putting out fires everyday.


Cronyism as far as the eye can see. competence is not relevant.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

there are none. if you're above 35 you're not "cool" enough to be part of the team.


they give you what you need.


wage dumping: they say they're "international" but in reality they're just importing cheap labour


most of the other competitors are wondering how they can stay in business. I'm wondering that as well.





HR-Team, HR


First of all: Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback. Even if it was a very critical one in this case. We are sad to hear that you don’t enjoy working at Shpock. We take your feedback seriously and will address all the spots we missed in delivering a good working experience for you.

We want to give every member of the team, without exception, the possibility to share his/her opinion. However, we feel in this case, you should really take the opportunity to exchange with us personally. Please contact me directly to talk about how to make things work better for you.

Kind regards,

Gerhard Kreuch
Head of HR

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