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The people company Nestle in public. In real Nestle does not respect its employyes at all.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat bis 2013 im Bereich IT bei NESTLE in Vevey gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There is not much.
My advise keep your fingers of Nestle or just use this company getting some experience and then get out as fast as possible.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nestle does not repect the achievments of their people, the longer you are in the company the more they want to get you out. Managers are not listening to their people - even explaining that laws of nature do not change for nestle, some of this marketing managers just try hiring new people until they have somebody who agrees to their ideas.


Deal with your people with respect and honor what they did for the company. Be more tranperent and do not just talk. Stop promoting the marketing managers who can sell bad work for gold but are not able delivering anything.
Managers on C level and one below are forcing people to participate in code of conduct training etc. but maybe these people should respect the code and conduct and respect the people.


Only the people sellling get promoted, Managers your work as their own.


Nestle does not communicate with employees - always secrets - not open


As long you are on the same level good relationship


Nestle says that overtime is allowed - if you do you get told off, if you do not you loose get bad performance reviews - so what is expected is you work overtime for free.


Managers at Nestle IT do not care about their people they only want to look good infront of the next level. They do not listen and if you do not provide the right answer, you will be repositioned.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Elder colleagues are getting higher salary that is why Nestle just outsourced the most experienced people leaving only youngsters behind.
I would recommed if you want to work for Nestle, get as much from Nestle as possible and give just enough as needed. After 3 to 5 years get out and find a better company.


Bad always stress and overtime wanted but without recording it.


Nestle pays below standard - most multinational pay twice as much for the same job.


Nestle is Nestle - does not really care about people only profit


You are hired in one position and you will stay in that position, because you will always get new roles. Paymet is the same work increases. Nestle IT is interested in keeping small.

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