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Good Employer

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Produktion bei NESTLE in Vevey gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It used to be a great employer with good opportunities for development.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

A transformation programme that was wrongly understood. Trends are being wrongly implemented in the company and this may bring quick wins but not in the long run


Promote based on performance more not only for nationality and friendship/ nepotism reasons. The programmes started at the top by the new management are not sustainable if promotion is done only to check some boxes. Stop using your best employees to compensate for the lack of skills and leadership of management.


Very good working atmosphere. Despite some difficulties with peers and senior management, which it is absolutely normal, the overall working atmosphere is very balanced and good. Even when there are conflicts they are easily solved on an 1:1 basis. Absolutely recommend in terms of cooperation and team spirit.


Very good communication and in general executive leadership promotes an open and transparent channel of communication. There are also meetings when open disclosure and transparent top down communication are promoted. Then again, it is a company of +300k employees and CHF90B - of course some points will remain undisclosed to avoid conflicts and manage risk.


Great working atmosphere - lots of team/ floor events - overall you feel like being part of a family. Very collaborative and polite mindset. Aggression and competition are not encouraged. They promote a performance based on "how" and "what". How you reach your objective is as important as the achievement itself.


Flexible working hours with some peaks depending on projects and seasons, but overall work-life balance is promoted. Home office is also accepted and possible. You can easily make a successful career as a woman and in the same time raise a family.


Good resolution of conflicts, acceptable targets that can be easily reviewed if needed. However things are changing rapidly with the new management and an "aggressive" and goal-oriented mindset is replacing the old culture at Nestle. The result is that very good employees decide to leave the company after many many years of experience. Unfortunately the one that loses in the long-term is Nestle because it is not easy for an outsider to enter and perform quickly in the complex environment of such a giant company.

Interessante Aufgaben

Yes, I would say by far the company offers very interesting and challenging projects compared to other companies. The company is so big and there are so many things to do and to improve that you never get bored. Colleagues are always open to cross-share knowledge and network. It is an absolutely great experience especially for someone at the beginning of their career, but also for those at senior levels.


Women are also in management positions at executive levels as well. It is one of the best companies I worked for where no one is looking down on you of you are a woman. Moreover, most departments and managers have a high understanding for family values and this is the mindset that is cascaded in the company. However diversity and inclusion is a big miss when it comes to the number of nationalities in leadership positions. Vast majority are French, or coming from Nestle's big emerging markets. Promotion is done based on your passport and networking abilities rather than performance and potential. They would never promote a person of a nationality that doesn't have enough leverage, for instance people from Eastern Europe, Balkan, or some Asian countries are rarely at the top in HQ and disregarded for promotion. Also, there are certain people that are favorite and motivated more than others through compensation and promotion, which of course contributes to biases and widens the gap between employees.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

It is a company that used to promote networking and ethical values as an employer. Today things are changing and it becomes even more hierarchical than in the past despite the programmes implemented internally.


Overall very good IT and even HR services


Diversity and Inclusion programme implementation is understood wrongly and a lot is being made for facade but not with a real context and solid basis behind. Also, there is practically no diversity at leadership level. There are some good initiatives for plastic reduction but not sufficient and very superficially designed.


Very good compensations


Unfortunately Nestle is not so good at handling external crisis situations and the current restructuring is bringing benefits only in the short term. There is a high talent turnover as well which will have a great impact in the long run.

