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Simply not caring

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Design / Gestaltung gearbeitet.


Care about people


Ok in some teams. Generally the atmosphere is rather toxic. People are unsatisfied, a lot of bad talk behind the backs and a lot of gloom....gallows humour.


Communication from management inexistent. People are being kept in the dark on purpose. There is a lot of uncertainty and management is not willing/interested to do anything about it. China style...


Depends on the team. There are some cool teamplayers, most have left the company by now though. Yuanda is not able to keep good people. 80% of the people working there are from France and keep mostly to themselves, they are there for the paycheck, nothing more.


HR does not stick to the swiss work rules, so for an employee it can be good, working 10h with 30min break is possible - so if you like that kind of thing...


Generally just plain bad, nobody acts like a manager. All you hear are excuses (usually Chinas fault, China says this, China says that) Promises are not kept, China gets the blame...

Interessante Aufgaben

The actual work is interesting, so it's a shame so much else around it is just badly managed


You can count the women in the company on one hand. Defintely heard some sexist remarks in the coffee room a few times too...


One big concrete block office, gets hot in the summer. IT is up to date which is nice. As for breaks and stuff, management was always a bit uptight about things.
Tables are quite cheap, cannot be height adjusted (if you want one, China got to approve)
Break room has space for maybe 4 people.
The office is on the verge of Basel, so if you're comign by car that might be fine (or if you live in France or Germany)


Inexistent, you're literally working for a Chinese building company shipping their glass all over the world, multiple times (if they cannot get it right the first time, which happens, a lot)


No fringe benefits at all. Some people are having hefty paychecks, but most people are still unsatisfied.


I rarely hear people talk well about their job there

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