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Best decision ever!

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung gearbeitet.


Great people who care coming together for a great purpose that makes a difference... Need I say more :D?


I think between humans there is always a need for improvement when it comes to communication. 7Mind is currently creating initiatives for more transparency and better communication recognizing that need, I appreciate that.


One of the greatest things at 7Mind is the level of realness and openness among the team members. You can really bring your whole self to work. Working for a purpose-driven product that helps people to build calm, resilience, and more joy in their lives is really something else.


I have been very impressed with the willingness of 7Mind leadership to adapt your workload based on your personal needs. 7Mind is really about working smart and efficiently and not working yourself to exhaustion. I never had an employer with such a great attitude and level of flexibility.


The founders who are really great guys who see eye-to-eye with their employees. They are ready to brainstorm solutions with you and listen to your input. They are ready to support you in implementing and executing. Currently one of the objectives is for all leaders to become better people coaches, which I think is a really great endeavor.

Interessante Aufgaben

You are definitely not stuck with only your job description at 7Mind. If you have ideas to expand your responsibilities, want to start an initiative you're passionate about, or have improvement suggestions, e.g. for the app, for company processes, etc., etc., there is room for all of that.


No complaints.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

No complaints.


I am very happy we are moving offices this year, as the current one is split between 3 locations and that feels a little disjointed. But the goal is 1 office for all (after COVID19 of course), at which point I will give 5 stars here :).


My colleagues inspire me to do more for the environment and other causes because they lead by example. We recently started an initiatives to add a new sustainable habit every month of 2021 and people were really excited about it, love the spirit of the team!


I don't think anybody ever says, "I wouldn't accept a higher salary." :D... But I am the only one working and have 2 children and my income pays for everything with some savings at the end of the month, so I have nothing to complain about.


I really enjoy saying, "I work at 7Mind", because so many people know the app and love it. Lots of happy customers all around.


I think this is a great time to join 7Mind. It's is big and established enough to provide a solid foundation for your life while at the same time there are so many things to accomplish at this time, because 7Mind is at the growing-up stage. Great moment to take ownership and have a big impact.
