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Satisfied by this company, happy I got the opportunity to work with them.

Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

What I really like is the freedom this job gives me and the different types of tasks that are very interesting.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

As I said I work from home and it gives me freedom but it also distances me from the others so maybe it would be nice to have one event altogether in the semester to get to know the other employees.


In my case, as we sort of work as duos, one translating and the other proofreading, I would have liked some real "presentation", like a skype if a meeting is too difficult to organise.


Very good communication with my superiors, we write mainly per email and on Skype for more informal discussion. I did not give full stars only because it is personally a bit difficult to join other employees doing the same job, but I know that for others it's really simple.


As a werkstudent I have the opportunity to work from home as a translator and proofreader, therefore I can really define how I want to use my time and balance my life.

Interessante Aufgaben

I personally love the tasks because they vary, and there are different platforms on which we can work. I think the tasks are really interesting as there are always new things to translate, so it does not feel repetitive.


I work from home but I noticed that there are generally many women employed in the company and as a woman myself I don't feel treated any different. I think this mutual respect disregarding age, origin or gender is something natural to the company.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I feel respected by older colleagues, I just needed some time as someone new but I would say I found my place now.


I think the salary I get for my tasks is completely in the norms and if I need more as it's per hour, I just have to work more. The payment always arrive around the same time of the months and I never had a problem with that.

