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There is no incentive to work here. A win/lose relationship.

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Finanzen / Controlling gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Frankfurt Branch starts to listen and hire more non-Chinese management. but the question is, how much freedom these people have in managing things the western way, so that the company can operate efficiently within the local market and its challenges.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

They don't listen and don't care no matter where they open a bank outside China.


In general the company attracts two types of people. The young Chinese need a Visa and therefore to work for 2 years in Germany before they quit and move on to a better company e.g. a German company. The other type are Germans who are China enthusiasts looking for their first job after graduating and do not know that everything the German labor market is offering them (pay and corporate culture) is much better, instead they are willing to settle for pay below average for the market standards just so that they can work in an exotic environment.


Management doesn't understand that it is their job to lead a team. They do their own thing in the office and expect everyone to get stuff done as independent from the management as possible. They don't understand the western concept of leadership and organization. You have two teams meeting for an appointment and both stuck in the floor searching for the room they are going to meet in, because even the meeting location was not communicated. There is basically no organized structure of conduct and management.


You don't really have any good communication since the working culture is learning by doing. Everyone is selfish and works for himself. They don't understand the German concept of team. It is not that the people are rude or evil, but due to cultural difference, from a Europeans perspective, it is a selfish environment where everybody is looking out for himself. And in fact many people don't care for each other, again due to cultural differences. Another issue is nationalism, if any conflict arises, people stick together just because of where they come from, not on the basis on what happened or who is right or wrong. So don't expect to feel as comfortable as in a German company if you are not Chinese.


You can leave on time, sometimes do overtime if necessary. Rather normal.


One surprising thing I learned about the management is that it doesn’t matter whether the management enjoyed education in a prestigious university in the West or China, the result and the management quality is the same. They don’t consider it necessary to adapt to the conditions of the local market, nor do they care if their style of management is considered rude and primitive or backward in the West. They expect you to adapt unwilling to understand that you are not willing to settle for lower standards than what the labor market is offering in Germany. Who wants to knock on the managements door to say that he is leaving everytime at 18:00 or fetch the Managements packages, which is a private matter. Hence there is no understanding of professionalism in sense of separation from private and working life, they might as you to do things related to private matters.


Like I described above, if you are not Chinese, don't ever expect to fully belong there, because this is not an international environment with people who can deal with diversity.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are no old colleagues, young people leave as soon as they find better opportunities. Only expats are older and few exceptions like German managers in Frankfurt, because they need to help them to handle the people so there is better pay and more incentive to be expected for this class of workers.


Far below German labor market standards. Like described above, you knock on the office door like a dog, letting the management know that you are going home. You learn by doing, which means chaos. You always second guess and lack sufficient information. Every day is unorganized.


The pay is 40% below average, expect low salary no matter your internships or working student experience. They don't care.


Online you will read that it is the most internationalized Chinese bank, but what Chinese understand as international and what Germany understands as international is highly different. For Chinese international simply means that they have an office in every country, it doesn't mean their management is willing or able to run an office with an international team and adopt to local market conditions socially and economically, this is why the reputation of the company is so bad. They behave as if they are in China.


Only in one branch you can expect some sort of career, the smaller branches definitely not. You will get a 2 years contract with some promises, at the end its all talk meant to motivate you but those words are empty, this is not a fixed contract style of mentality where things that are said are also really meant.
