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Toxic environment from the top down

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei BBDO Proximity gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Colleagues are really nice.
The location of the office is one of the best possible.
You have some nice parties.
The environment is very international.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Toxic environment
Poor management
Disrespect for people's free-time
Poor work-life balance
False promises
Poorly trained team leads
Unequal treatment of people
Priority on serving a big cigarettes manufacturer


Get rid of toxic management instead of hiring more assholes.


Colleagues are great and there's a beautiful mixture of people from all over the world.
Problem is, management is toxic, bullies the employees and doesn't care at all for their wellbeing.
There is a clear preference for certain people from certain countries.


Communication, is simply horrible. Management can't decide what to do and it's constantly chancing their mind.
People are constantly blamed for management mistakes.


Colleagues are great.


Loads of unpaid after-hours. Some people are threatening with losing their holidays. Company minimised COVID making everyone stay in the office until German law didn't allow that anymore.
Company is now pressuring people to come back.
Several cases of burnouts. Employees who suffer from it, tend to be punished.


Management often insults people, doesn't respect their wellbeing.
A lot of promises are made and never kept.
There is a culture of secrecy and teasing people against one another.
There is no transparency at all.

Interessante Aufgaben

You will be doing advertising for cigarettes, regardless of what they tell you upfront.
Unless, you are a recently hired friend from management. Then you get the chance to work on the few good opportunities.


Friends of management get all the opportunities.
Depending on the country you come from, you will be treated better or worse.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Colleagues tend to be really friendly.


Talk a lot do very little.


Proximity relies a lot on foreigners because it can pay them poorly and abuse labour laws. It's not rare that people are very unfairly treated and their lack of german labour laws knowledge is taken advantage of.

There is a big secrecy about salaries because there is also a huge inequality.



