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Honestly....weird things

Bewerber/inHat sich 2019 als Business Development beworben und eine Absage erhalten.


Honestly...I walked in for an interview at the Copenhagen Office and it was a group interview like sorry but is HR really so busy screening the applicants? like do your job? So the interview was like 4h? Anyways we were split in a German group and Rest of the world group and then had to present our cases. I dont even know why they invited so many people? It was like 8 people? Like one of the girls already did an internship there & one of the guys was friends with the employees so...if they only going to hire 2 people why are you wasting my time ? anyways sooo like one of the employees is like ohhh you work at this bar i lost my glasses there so im like yeah so he follows me on instagram...then his friend somehow ends up following me and is like trying to hit on me 2 days and obvi i have to act like im interested because i want to have the job...the level of unprofessionalism

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