Let's make work better.

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Still a way to go! But our management is aware of global challenges & part of drive!

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The opportunity to try out a lot and to be able to take on responsibility. There is a living culture of try and error!


Continue to consistently pursue joint, global change and communicate transparently with the workforce about the steps taken.


Awesome Teamspirit! Supportive and appreciative!


One of our goals: effective communication for everyone in the organization!


You can count on your team. We support each other.


We are able to manage our calendar ourselves; due to different time zones we need to so more consequently!


Direct managers are transparent, clear pathfinding and supportive. Interaction is respectful and appreciative.

Interessante Aufgaben

We are moving from flexible structures to something more binding and supportive processes for healthy growth. This means that right now is an ideal time to leave a footprint, contribute your own ideas and help shape the company.


Everyone has the same rights and opportunities. We just don't talk about it enough.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

We have a lot of long-standing, experienced and older colleagues on board. They have equal opportunities to develop at any time like younger colleagues.


We have everything we need: technical equipment, an office budget and a budget for furniture. We can work in remote, hybrid or total office. We have flexible working hours and the trust of our managers. In one place or another, we still lack the right tools to work in an even more digital and automated way.


We are involved in sports (youth), environmental protection and always initiate actions for the common good.


We are all fully covered, with health insurance, pension etc. Depending on the location, there are various benefits. Our salaries are in line with the market. Currently, there is a global evaluation of compensation and we are working on a leveling process. This also ensures that we are competitive in the future.


Certainly something we can still work on. We don't talk enough about the values Foxit offers as an employer. What great teams we have and what moves us in our day-to-day work. Nevertheless, in a recent survey, employees confirmed that they would immediately act as ambassadors.


Everyone has the opportunity to develop. The corresponding coordinated and structured process in the sense of L&D, now follows -long awaited- from Q4/22. Up to now, further training was exclusively based on individual needs.
