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Exploitation of young graduates and interns

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Working with many young and international people was fun.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Lack of space, low salary, bad communication, no professionalism but a lot of pressure.


You should learn to praise and encourage your employees, the driving force of the company, instead of acting with pressure and sanctions.

Wages should be fair!

And if you are still selling yourself as a start-up, then like all the other small companies you should give benefits like gym memberships or a contribution to the bvg ticket.
After all, you get fresh fruit once a week.


In the open-plan office everyone sits behind their laptop and the lack of space can make it loud and stuffy. You stay in your team and don't interact with others.


Terminations without prior notice occur within one day. But new hires (mostly interns) also come very quickly. It is a steady coming and going.
The communication, when it happens in daily or weekly meetings, is top-down - instructions and strict goals are given.
You are not informed about relevant informations or news s to the same extent.


Within teams there are some colleagues who like each other or not. But gossip is one of the daily things happening in office.
Separate slack channels are created for this, but allies will be found among those many employees.


Gliding time allows some flexibility, but mostly you get peer pressure and just stay longer. Home office is generally not seen as welcome.
Nevertheless, it works great with vacation days, a vacation lock only applies in November (Black Friday month.)


Hierarchical behavior! Strong control of one's own activities, especially target achievement or e-mail communication with partners / influencers.
You feel unheard and overwhelmed by the increasing goals every month. Frustration is inevitable.

Interessante Aufgaben

New products are always exciting. Apart from that, dull influencer acquisition and support, discount campaigns, are among the only business-promoting tasks.
You can add extra effort, but the workload is generally very high that you are too busy keeping up.


There is almost no chance of advancement or the possibility to negotiate the measly salary. Often this is followed by a dismissal, as it is feared that the work ethic will decline after a rejection.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



A Macbook is provided.
A table fan for hot summer days as well.
Otherwise the tables are empty.

Tables and chairs were not enough for all employees at certain times, so that you took turns sitting in the kitchen to work. (home-office was still not well seen)


They act sustainable to the public with changing packaging or making donations. Internally its just a regular business.


Imagine working in a bistro and you have not counted your tips at the end of the day - still that would be a better salary than here.


The image seems to be good on the outside. There are many fans, even when those numerous micro-influencers seem to be annoying to the public.
At the same time, the pricing strategy with their thousands of discounts is criticized instead of simply lowering prices.

I do not know one colleague who is talking nicely about internal affairs. The products are nice though.


Just doesn't exist. Budget is only spent on advertising instead of the own workforce.
