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Beautiful small family business with flat hierarchies and super friendly working environment.

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.


The working atmosphere is really great. The supervisors were very sweet and helpful to me from the beginning and helped me with everything. The employees are also all super nice and we all get along very well. Working here is really fun!


When I was at the production site, communication was good because I spent most of my time with the supervisors. So whenever I had questions or a problem, I could go directly to them and talk to them. Now Berlin, of course, the supervisors aren't always on site and I can't always reach them, which is a shame sometimes. But there is also a lot going on at the moment, which is why I can understand that. Most problems usually solve themselves anyway. Communication among the employees is excellent. We all get along very well.


Like I said, among the employees, cohesion and communication is great. I made new friends and we all get along really well. I am happy with that.


The working hours are really good. I have time for my hobbies, meeting friends and the weekend off, so I can't complain. I know that in the run-up to Christmas there is a vacation stop in production, but that is nothing new to me, as this is the most stressful time of the year for a manufactory. But otherwise I can always take vacation if I submit it in advance. When my son fell ill at short notice, I was also able to stay at home without any problems. The employers are very social and understanding.


The supervisors are a married couple, they founded the company back then and have therefore been with it the longest. We don't always share all views, but even in disputes they act very appropriately and professionally. The tone can get a bit rougher, but nothing that would surprise me in a negative way. The behavior of supervisors, including other employees, has always been completely normal in my opinion.

Interessante Aufgaben

I was able to get a taste of every department, which I thought was very cool. I was in production, was allowed to go to a trade show, do sales and even had the chance to look into the baby spa and try it out. So the range of tasks is very diverse.


As I wrote earlier, the working conditions are very good. The premises are very modern and equipped with everything necessary. There are recreation facilities for employees, kitchen, own coffee machine, coffee, snacks, etc. In the production facility, we always had the ritual on Fridays that we all eat together, i.e. supervisors and employees together. Sometimes one cooks, sometimes the other. I think that's very cool.


The company produces all natural cosmetics very sustainably and also by hand. So instead of large automatic machines, real people still do the work here. I think that's good, because it not only saves a lot of energy, but also creates jobs that would otherwise be taken over by machines. As I have learned, jolu also obtains many of the raw materials from direct trade directly from the producers in Africa and thus supports social projects on the ground in the country. At the trade fair, for example, they always use the same, self-built wooden stand, so they virtually recycle it over and over again. I think that's also very good.


The salary is appropriate I would say. Not too high, not too low. I was assured that there would be an opportunity to earn more later, the longer I was there and as my duties and responsibilities expanded.


I did not know the company before. But from what customers, neighboring businesses or social media say, the image is very good.


The career opportunities are probably smaller than at a very large, international company. But I knew that when I started there, so that's okay. What I find really great is that the company supports me financially with my German courses.


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