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I would not recommend to work here. I will quit after I find another job.

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- nice office;
- wfh 100%;
- salary;
- work-life balance;
- some interesting colleagues;

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Bad communication across departments even though they organize offsite events and cooking classes;
- Micromanagement is strong, your manager would always have to know what project you work on with your team;
- You never know when your last working day in Kaia can be, because today they might benefit of having your onboard but tomorrow it may change (read through other reviews about a "perfect storm" of RIFs in 2022);
- Only a few people visit the office on a regular basis which is another proof of poor communication, people don't feel like to see each other (although the office is in the nice location and looks great inside);
- Many loud words about startup mindset and whatsoever, at the same time people get laid off and C-management keeps saying "just trust me";
- Zero career opportunities: you will be asked to match your competencies against a certain list of definitions that is written in a very abstract form and can always prove you're not good enough;
- They do appreciate you talking over you working;


Spend some money on educational courses for the management department.


You will not have a chance to work with your colleagues directly since you're about to be micromanaged




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