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Nicht zu empfehlen!!

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Prettl GmbH Magnet & Schaltertechnik in Pfullingen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich


Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Many points have been mentioned above.


Improve the quality of the products, do not just focus on sell.
This will bring customer trust and may be new business.


No fun, only work
Offen stressfull situations internally and with Customer. No team building activities due to financial problems.

New employees have to clean the place from the person who left and have to find monitor, phone, doking station, key-board on his own searching all places in the Office. Employees get old Nokia mobiles if he do not ask for a new one.

No sufficient parking places for the vehicles available.

High unsatisfaction umungst employees, which leads to high rate of employees leaving , which feels very unsecure.

Not suitable for international candidates / peoples.


Very poor communication.
Beaurocratic behavior from Managers. Head of Quality and Production change their statements considering the situation.

Due to this new engineers have fear to put their point in front of Managers.
Also very bad relations with customer leads to offen stressfull conversations.

Just follow the orders.


No encouragement or motivation from managers leads to an isolated working style.
Colleagues leaving every now and then breaks your team and attachement.

Colleagues supports each other and try to create a positive atmosphere.


Due to several customer claims and production berakdowns employees have to work longer, some times even 12 hrs a day.

No extra payment for extra work.

No time record by company, therefore no one knows who goes when.


Offen bossy and making sarcastic fun on employees having less knowledge.
Superiors do not take responsibility for the mistake done by a team member. Some times superiors have no technical or mangerial skills on how to handle the critical situation.

Interessante Aufgaben

Interesting tasks but overload of tasks leads to no clear output.

Very difficult to excecute your planned Tasks as every day comes new Problem with different priority.
Same quality problems every 2 months and repetative problem from the past 4 years.
Financial problems and cut downs leads to no improvement from several years.


Partial/ un-equal / unfair behavoir by Manager with team members.
Engineers treated by Managers like a worker and some times in a disrespectfull manner.

Better treatment if you can speak German language.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Experienced and old production workers helps and supports a in a day to day work.


Many old, not in use machines, equipmemts, Office devices will be found lying here and there.
Break on the roofs let the rain water and snow come inside the production hall.
Toilets offen found unclean and misused.


Located in area surrounded by good nature.


Starting salary for Engineers is low, comparing to other companies in the area .
Hiring managers offen promise on performance based increaments but you will never get one as you are overburdned with tasks after joining.

No canteen in the company and eating in nearby places is expensive.


PRETTL as a Group is big and have good Image but considering specific division Customers and Major OEM's are not happy.


Not good for people who are looking for work - life balance.
May be good for top level management, close to retirement.

Not good if you are looking for a long term commitment, job satisfaction, and security.
