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A joke of a company, toxic work environment

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2020 im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There are really no positives at this point, unfortunately. Not even the salaries are attractive, especially given the amount of drama going on at this place. They promise things like 13th salary, but they don't really pay it. Stay away from this place if you can.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

• Dysfunctional family business: Management is extremely rude, antisocial and incompetent. There are constant fights at the work place, to the point of domestic violence being witnessed by employees - emphasis on a fight where a golf club was used as a weapon during a meeting. Embarrassing to watch.

• Micro management: Employees are not trusted with their skills, but are constantly asked to do tasks that are not a part of their jobs. It's distracting. Constructive criticism is ignored.

• Bad company culture: The company is in financial distress, which generates a lot of negativity. Management lacks the finesse to approach issues with professionalism. There are no core values. Employees are treated either with silence or explosive temper tantrums. Positions are dead-end and offer no substantial career development. This leads to high employee turnover, addressed in the next point.

• High employee turnover: This establishment has high employee turnover - 4 other developers were hired before me to work on the same/similar projects, and all quit their jobs within or less than a year.

• Unlawfulness: Vacation pay was deducted from my salary and management claimed it was a "mistake." Naturally, I asked to quit my job. The employer then attempted to incriminate me with "corporate data theft" to coerce me into signing a "fristlose Kündigung" (Termination without notice) and strip me off my benefits. I simply went to the Arbeitsgericht to file a lawsuit, which prompted the employer to quickly reach out to my lawyer for an out-of-court settlement. All my benefits (including Urlaubsgeld) were then paid, cent by cent. I encourage anybody currently working for this company to do the same, should they find themselves in similar situation.

• Conclusion: My advice to prospective employees is to do your own research before signing a contract with this company. IMPORTANT: Reach out to its former and current employees on professional networking websites and ask them whether this company is a good work environment.


Change upper management completely or just close down. The company is doomed from the start.


Project management is done via Skype and is a mess.





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Parizad WarnkeGeschäftsführerin

Alex, du bist ein English-Student, der sich als Programmierer in den Job reingelogen hat und natürlich gar keine Codes schreiben konnte. Ich verstehe, dass du immer noch erbost bist über die Kündigung, aber ganz ehrlich du hast leider auch keine sonstigen charakterlichen Vorteile gehabt: weder Ehrlichkeit noch Moral. Schade, dass man solche Menschen wie dich auch noch durchfüttern musste bis man die richtigen Mitarbeiter gefunden hat. Bei dem Personalmangel probiert man es sogar mit Falschgeld wie dir.
