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Potentionally cool place, but...

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Experienced colleagues, interesting tasks

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

A money-, not a customer- oriented, possibly hire-and-fire policy.


Let the people know if they can improve something, give them time and assess again instead of letting suddenly go.
Respect your customers first, and not their money. They deserve more than two new products built and released in two months in order to explain the costs increase. For example, you could plan the new products for the coming year from the beginning of the year. This decreases the rush (and yeah, we have been promised to have the same rush next Christmas again)


Internal competition for showing off, not for getting better.


I've heard only positive things during three probational months from my manager and when the probational period has ended I was asked to leave, based on "You are not a match". Considering, that 4 new colleagues were hired simultaneously, and this was the time of a rush, this might have been planned. Also, no new job opening to replace the person.


There is a core team of long-time working together seniour engineers, making all the decisions. Do not cross their road :)


The most of the people are working ca. 9-5, no extra hours are needed, at least not on a regular basis.


Coleagues are helpful, but too conservative - thus new ideas are only accepted from seniors.

Interessante Aufgaben

As they do code, deploy and maintain the infrascturcture by themselves there is a nice deversity of the tasks.


Being a woman, have not noticed any discrimination.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The most of the colleagues are older here :)


Bad resolution of screens in the office, not enough working places in IT department, if you are too late, you have to work from the sales department in another part of the building


Biological food, every month a new charity action


Not outstanding, but market-appropriate.


In two years you will become a Senior. That's all.


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