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PwC, Switzerland Logo


Bad place to work

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei PwC Switzerland in Zürich gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I strongly suggest to think twice before joining this company. Try to meet the entire team, and not only the team leaders to get a better image.


Depends on the culture in the team. Total control. Everyone against everyone. Mistakes are not allowed or you will be pushed out very quickly.


The gap between what is said and what is done is pretty big.


Expect to be in an environment where people pretend to be your best friend and supporter while giving negative feedback behind your back to have visibility. Also take care not to get your work stolen by others in team work. One adapts by time, as sad as it sounds.


If one has luck, one can register the real work time. A complete dedication to the management and their financial goals is expected.


No comment.

Interessante Aufgaben



Some are more equal than others.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The system prefers and produces young conformists praising the management.


Very slow and small laptops.


Low compared both to industry benchmarks and comparable companies.


The company tries to keep a strong image to the public probably to hide how working here really is. Official slogans do not reflect reality here at all. It is interesting to see how HR regularly checks this page in fear of negative comments. A recent negative feedback on management behaviour, promotions, staffing and overtime was deleted, interestingly without a comment from HR.


Usually Senior Consultant is the typical end of the career ladder for most.


1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen


Severin Fischbacher, Stellvertretender Personalleiter PwC Schweiz
Severin FischbacherStellvertretender Personalleiter PwC Schweiz

Thank you for your feedback on kununu.
Firstly, I would like to address your comment regarding the deletion of our latest post. Naturally, we are not in a position to delete reviews. We have been informed by kununu that the referred to comment had been deactivated, because the content did not comply with kununu’s regulations. However, the user was informed about this and was given the opportunity to adjust the content and have it reviewed by kununu for a second activation.

I strongly believe in an open feedback culture, and so do my colleagues at PwC. It’s one of our core pillars of collaboration at our firm. I read and address every comment on this platform and invite you, as I invite everyone working at PwC, to voice your opinion - be that as part of your day-to-day collaborations, in our regular pulse and feedback surveys or with your team leader, career coach, HC business partner or myself.

You seem to find several strong points of critique about your work at PwC. Contrary to your impression that people are pretending to be of support, I do invite you to reach out to me directly, to better understand your points of critique and to find solutions together. You can reach me via michaela.christian.gartmann@pwc.ch.

Kind regards
Michaela Christian Gartmann
