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Sales Development Representative

Bewerber/inHat sich 2019 bei adjust GmbH in Berlin als Sales Development Representative beworben.


Please do a thorough check of the applicant and also for HR recruiter.

Below is my feedback of my recent interview.

1. The first step was a test round ----This step is necessary as it gives an idea about the candidate capability.
2. The second round was a Skype call with 2 HR. -----The HR was very hasty as seemed to get the interview over and done quickly.
I was constantly interrupted while answering and asked me questioned without letting me answer the previous question.
3. I got a rejection mail, mentioned that the Sales team did not find me a good fit. Now my question, without testing my knowledge and skills in
the role I have applied for, How can the Sales team decide my applicant. I never got the opportunity to speak to any member of the sale team.
After successfully completing the first test round, how was the sales team able to decide that I do not match the required needs.
4. I asked the HR for feedback, requesting what the currents needs are, and areas where they felt I lacked. To this I have not a response till now.
A biased and unfair recruiting process at Adjust!!

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Wertschätzende Behandlung

Zufriedenstellende Antworten

Erklärung der weiteren Schritte

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