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Zero value for employees. Win/Lose relationship.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Wofür möchtest du deinen Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation loben?

There is absolutely nothing good to say.

Was macht dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation nicht gut?

Chinese working culture is unacceptable and incompatible for Europeans. Better not to coperate with each other. I don't see any way to manage this in future.


Due to the cultural differences, many employees are very bad team players. Everyone is working for themselves basically, it is like being in a factory where everybody making sure he doesn't lose his job, and barely knows the name of his colleagues. And there are some practical reasons for this. The Chinese employees are mostly very young, they need to work here for 2 years to get a VISA so that they can settle for better opportunities, so after 2 years many leave for better, the company doesn't offer anything attractive for anyone to stay longer than necessary. The European employees are mostly fresh graduates, who don't know the labor market, so they settle for lower standards because they don't know their worth or because they were always curious to work for a Chinese company due to their interest for foreign languages. Nobody is really satisfied in this company according to my observation.


Unfortunately due to cultural differences, information is not spread or shared properly, so there is no communication by European standards. Places of meetings are not communicated, new employees are not trained, nothing is really done or said unless you fight for it. You are expected to perform, but the less you need anyone for anything the better. This is the general impression.


Again, due to the cultural differences, there is a separation between the Chinese and non Chinese employers. Everything is friendly until a conflict occurs, then suddenly, instead or deescalating, people group with those from their own country regardless the real issue that has nothing to do with nationality. The mindset is not suitable for international collaboration, because nationalism and the feeling of belonging to a certain group, including the language barriers will always be an obstacle to feel comfortable with each other.


That is the only thing I have nothing bad to say although when I just started, I was informed that the HR started to make sure everyone leaves on time, which makes me suspicious that someone once filed a complain for them not respecting the German labor law.


One thing I noticed, is that it doesn't matter whether the management enjoyed an education in Europe, the result is the same as if they came directly from China with no knowledge of the local labor market and its standards. They somehow assume we have no brain or dignity to seek for better or to know our own worth. And I guess with this attitude they always find people who are willing to work in this company despite the low pay and horribly bad company culture. The management doesn't understand professionalism but likes to use this word. You get to fetch private packages, there are times you can get yelled at or there is simply no organized structure in the entire company. People meet for a meeting and the management even didn't communicate the meeting room number so that two teams would be stuck on a floor trying to figure out, where they are supposed to meet. Many other chaotic things like that happen, because nothing is planned or standardized in any way so that you can learn something and stick to it and avoid mistakes.

Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks would be interesting if everything was not so mismanaged and chaotic.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are no old colleagues, because even young people leave as soon as they find better.


The working conditions are the result of the summary of the above. Horrible communication paired with mismanagement or lack of such creates a place where nobody can be happy and even the Chinese employees are leaving although one would expect them to stay, because it is more convenient than having to work in a German company where you are not familiar with so many things.


40% below average in banking


You get very disappointed after half a year when you have seen the truth.


There is no promotion, the company is structured in a way where Expats from Chinese have all the benefits while everyone else is just a inexpensive tool to get the job done.


