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1 von 101 Bewertungen von Bewerbern (gefiltert)

Mit Kommentar
kununu Score: 1,0

Ein Bewerber hat diesen Arbeitgeber mit 1,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

Highly incompetent treatment and response

Bewerber/inHat sich 2018 bei Beta Systems Software AG in Berlin als Ausbildung zur Fachinformatikerin Anwendungsentwicklung beworben und sich schließlich selbst anders entschieden.


More timely, customised response, and respectful treatment.

I received a response, in copy-paste format, 5 months after applying. This is simply insulting.

After not receiving a reply for a month, I followed up on the application and have been told that the person in charge is currently on vocation and will get back to me in 3 weeks. Fast forward, three months later I receive a copy and paste response. Not acknowledging any effort placed in the application nor excusing their failure to respond the months prior.

In the mean time I already accepted alternative offers. However, having worked abroad and encountered various companies, I am shocked with this incomparable treatment. Irrespectable of me being suited for the position and the type of position applied to, I expect companies to do better in their hiring processes.

Erklärung der weiteren Schritte

Professionalität des Gesprächs

Zufriedenstellende Reaktion

Wertschätzende Behandlung

Vollständigkeit der Infos

Erwartbarkeit des Prozesses

Zufriedenstellende Antworten

Zeitgerechte Zu- oder Absage

Angenehme Atmosphäre

Schnelle Antwort



Friedrich KniepLeiter HR

Dear applicant,
Thank you very much for your feedback. We regret that you have had any inconvenience and apologize to you.
We hope you will understand that the selection process for an apprenticeship in our company always takes some time, as we involve the relevant specialist departments and trainers. Due to vacation and illness, the entire process has unfortunately been prolonged.

We are rated well above average at 4.51 when dealing with applicants. For us the described procedure is rather atypical and we apologize extraordinarily.

We have kept your application until the end of our selection process in order to be able to consider you in a possible replacement procedure. In this way, we wanted to give you the chance of an apprenticeship until the end.

We are pleased that you have found a suitable training position and wish you all the best for your professional and private future and continued success!
