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Excellent place to work and excellent opportunity for development

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.


Most of the employees are in young and mature age (between 25 and 40 years old) which brings along to better understanding, huge number of common topics and so on.


During my time at CRX Markets, I didn't experience any single case when I was not able to talk with any of my colleagues, from C-level employees to working students.


From my personal experience I can say that I have a full trust in my team.
We are supporting each other on daily basis. Communication with colleagues from different departments is very positive and easy.


To me, as a family person, this is one of most important topics among others. I can only say that CRX Markets is 100% open for this topic.


I wouldn't trade my supervisor/superior. From my point of view we have open and honest communication.

Interessante Aufgaben

Since CRX Markets is working with the latest technology, you can always find something interesting to work on.


Since there is a slightly more gentlemen's then the lady's, CRX Markets lady's are treated with respect.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

As I already mention above, there is no too much older colleagues. For few of them who are working at CRX Markets I can say that they are very helpful and friendly. Anyone how who has a basic sense of culture and respect to older people should now how to treat them.


Prior your first work day at CRX Markets, you would get an email from IT support asking you about your hardware preferences for example, how many and which type of monitors you need, which type of laptop do you prefer/need, which type of headphones and all other details.


There are boxes for sorting out the trash, papier recycling, different initiatives for paperless office and so on.


CRX Markets is definitely competing with other companies on the market.
From my first day at CRX Markets, until today, salary was always on time. With no exceptions. No complaints from my side.


From my perspective and perspective couple of my colleagues, company image is very positive and promising.


In the technology sense, sky is the limit. It depends how much you want to invest in your personal development. In the hierarchy sense, there is a strict hierarchy which should be followed, and progress and promotion will come with time and experience.
