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From Promising Startup to Disheartening Scale-Up

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Startup Days (4/5): When I first joined DeepL SE during its startup phase, it was an exciting and dynamic place to work. There was a sense of camaraderie among the small team, and the leadership was open to ideas and innovation. We were encouraged to take risks, and there was a genuine effort to create a positive work environment.

Growth Phase (3/5): As the company started to scale up, things began to change. While there was a clear push for growth and expansion, the company struggled to maintain the same level of intimacy and employee involvement that defined its startup days. The introduction of new processes and structures was often disorganized and led to confusion.

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New Direction (2/5): The most significant shift occurred when the company decided to pivot in a new direction. While change is inevitable, the way it was handled left much to be desired. The new direction came with a top-down approach that stifled creativity and innovation. Employees who voiced concerns or suggested alternative strategies were met with resistance or silence.

Management (2/5): The management, which was once approachable and open, has become more distant and unresponsive. Decisions are now made behind closed doors, and there's a sense that the leadership is disconnected from the day-to-day realities of the workforce. The lack of transparency is concerning.

Work-Life Balance (2/5): As the company has grown, the work-life balance has suffered. The workload has increased significantly, and there's an expectation of constant availability. While this might be the norm for a scale-up, it has taken a toll on employee well-being.

Career Growth (2/5): Career growth opportunities have become limited as the company has shifted its focus. There's less emphasis on personal and professional development, and it feels like advancement opportunities are reserved for a select few.


I've been with DeepL SE for a significant stretch of time, from its humble startup beginnings to its recent transition into a scale-up company. While it's true that the company has undergone a significant transformation, it's not necessarily for the better. I'll share my perspective on this journey, keeping in mind that this new direction might still be a work in progress.

Advice to Management:

Embrace change, but don't forget the values that made the company successful in the first place. Engage with your employees, listen to their concerns, and involve them in the decision-making process. Transparency and communication are key in times of transition.

In conclusion, DeepL SE has gone through a significant transformation from a startup to a scale-up, and this new direction may still be a work in progress. While I'm hopeful that the company can navigate these changes successfully, it's essential to address the concerns of long-time employees who have seen the company evolve and, in some ways, lose sight of its original vision.






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