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Als Junior SAP Consultant im Start-Up

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


Very benevolent leadership and calm athmosphere with nice chats in between when work allows it.


Communication is utterly open, everything is discussed in advance and there is a lot of interest in each other, by colleagues and even more by our leader.


We're enjoying every lunch break together, that forms a really wonderful athmosphere for work. When new to the team the interest of every colleague is genuine and they don't get tired asking how things are going and how you're doing.


Communication is key and when talking about this topic we're met with understanding and the will to make everybody feel comfortable. Since we're in contact with clients we have a core time when to be available of course, that comes with the job. Also in contrast to other firms in this field of expertise our leader makes sure that we only have to take absolutely necessary business trips, since our work is done remotely anyway.


There is a lot of trust in every employee and it is easy to see how he cares about us having a comfortable working experience and feel appreciated.

Interessante Aufgaben

The job as an SAP consultant is extremely diversified. It involves social interaction with clients, tackling different technical subjects every time and also working with colleagues regularly to make use of their expertise as well. On top of that we share internal tasks and everybody can put his/her strengths to work wherever they feel the could help, thats the upside of being a small Start-Up.


As of yet i could not spot a single instant where anybody would've been treated better or worse than others. All the offers and opportunities our leader provides us always apply for everyone.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

We're a very young team, yet we're actively looking for older and more experienced colleagues as well.


The offices are beautifully modern, we have a nice view outside the windows and our technical equipment is modern. We're getting a large variety of free drinks (the whole fritz supply, bionade,... ) and coffee and we have two cantines, a bistro and daily changing food trucks available.


With the focus of preventing unneccesary business trips our firm already has a large impact on CO2 prevention. We're always using the reusable food containers from the canteens and we're not buying drinks from providers with bad reputation (Coca cola, Nestle, you name it). However there's still some room to improve in terms of green energy, saving energy or investing in social causes. But since we're a Start-Up i know we'll get there eventually since our leadership is very open for change and arguments.


The salary is good in comparison with the market and the handling of talks about it is very professional and open.


We have a good reputation in general since we're working very diligently and we all share the goal of doing a good job. In addition to that everybody tells stories about how bad former employees were and how happy they are at Diokles.


There is an active interest by our leadership to improve our skills, get certified in additional fields that might benefit us and the company. We're free to improve our skills during working hours as long as the order situation with our clients allows it and we also have additional funds for doing that.
