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Ex-Praktikant/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei DLR in Weßling gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Students should be encouraged more and especially should also be given some respect..


Unfortunately, I have to give a review like this..My DREAM of working at DLR has been SHATTERED the very first week I started my work there..My supervisor said that he should have been more careful about hiring a student for this project and that I am nor capable of anything..I stopped going for lunch and was isolated..Another team member of mine called STUDENTS AS "STUPID STUDENTS" infront of my team leader but he supported this man saying that it was a joke..I was very happy when my dream of working at DLR finally came true but unfortunately I had to experience this..I totally lost focus and was very depressed..

It's very sad that in such an esteemed institution students are being treated like this..

But, I have also seen other student mentioning the same problem of being mistreated and she didn't want to work there anymore..
This kind of mistreatment should not be given to anyone, especially not to the STUDENTS who look forward to their blooming careers.

That was a very horrible experience for me..

This is just my personal experience..I just hope nothing like this will happen to any other student..


Unfortunately, I have to give a review like this..My DREAM of working at DLR has been SHATTERED the very first week I started my work there..My supervisor said that he should have been more careful about hiring a student for this project and that I am nor capable of anything..I stopped going for lunch and was isolated..Another team member of mine called STUDENTS AS "STUPID STUDENTS" infront of my team leader but he supported this man saying that it was a joke..I was very happy when my dream of working at DLR finally came true but unfortunately I had to experience this..I totally lost focus and was very depressed..

It's very sad that in such an esteemed institution students are being treated like this..

But, I have also seen other student mentioning the same problem of being mistreated and she didn't want to work there anymore..
This kind of mistreatment should not be given to anyone, especially not to the STUDENTS who look forward to their blooming careers.

That was a very horrible experience for me..

This is just my personal experience..I just hope nothing like this will happen to any other student..





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