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Products have some potential, but unfortunately top management is close-minded and is driving this company into failure.

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Colleagues and some direct supervisors. Cars are nice until the future highly noncompetitive products arrive.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Mentality, top management, working practices, no respect for the employees or understanding how a business should be run, inability to adapt and to understand that immense employee turnover is nothing to be proud of.


Listen to the local employees. Build the company from the ground up (happy employees + low turnover = first building block of any successful business). Forget how things are done in China, if you want to do business in Europe, adapt to the local ways! Get top management who understand the market and business they are in.


Due to the extreme micro-management from high-up, any good task gets quickly ruined. There is no trust in local employees, advice and feedback are not listened to (although the company motto is to improve little by little, which has become a running joke between employees)


There is none. Important information is only shared (if ever), after repeated requests by employees. Requests are sent with no notice, while people are on holiday, and feedback about these bad practices is ignored. The same exact thing will happen again over and over.


Colleagues are the only sun beam in this otherwise hurricane-y place.


The supreme leader has literally said no home office will ever be allowed until he is in control. Even if your job is to copy and paste excel sheets, you gotta do it from the office with a target on your back every day, your family and well-being can of course wait...


Direct supervisors can be really good, trying to do their best to shield employees from the bad practices of the top management. Unfortunately, their power is close to none, so the problems at the core remain.

Interessante Aufgaben

There can be but they will inevitably be cancelled, cut or delayed until they lose any meaning, so that the supreme leader can say he saved a few cents, while in reality costing the company millions in repeated work, loss of customer confidence and employees.


After some adjustment, the office is now in a good state and mostly pleasant to be in.


No recycling.


Salaries can be negotiated to good amounts, before getting hired. You just need to ensure that it will be enough for the next 20 years, as employee satisfaction and well-being are not a priority. If inflation cuts out your purchasing power, you just got to deal with it and cut your spending, little by little.


Quickly deteriorating as employees are leaving like flies. All the best talent is going elsewhere and there is no control over what state the products are in, before customers drive them. Recipe for disaster unfortunately.


You only progress if you put your fingers in all of the pots, creating more work for others but giving the impression you do important work. You need to be good at PR, not at your job. Also speaking Chinese is highly recommended if you want to rise up (but why would you want to, since the supreme leader will do as he wishes anyhow, ignoring any sensible advice?). Furthermore any promotion will only be for the glory as no additional pay or benefit will be granted. Sweet deal.

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