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Fantastic Team Solving Modern IT Management Challenges

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Great team which constantly solves new hard problems to make a kick-ass product.


Developing such a big product with a small team leaves plenty of room for interesting and challenging tasks. Employees are free to work on what they can do best and a lot of stuff gets done. Everybody's contribution is valued.


We have a very busy Slack, as parts of the team are remote, this is number 1 communication channel. Plus bi-weekly all hands meetings. Travel is always possible when it helps get the job done better, but seldom required.


Our team consists of true experts who know what they are doing. While everybody has his focus area, everybody is willing to help out and to do grunt work when it needs to be done.


Instana is a start-up, with a small team and lots of work to do. People in our team want to get their stuff done so they sometimes work long or on the weekend. However that additional time can be compensated with leaving earlier on other days. It is very much possible to work days from home, should any need for that arise. As the Instana team is world wide, people arrange meetings all time of the day. It is not a 9-5 job, but be assured that nobody at Instana wants to see a colleague burned out.


Our vision may seem big, but tasks are always planned in realistic timeframes. It is actually a team decision on what gets done when, with no pressure from the management. We work together as a team and company internals are discussed regularly with the whole team.

Interessante Aufgaben

Really deep technical problems, from writing highly optimized agent code for tons of technologies, to processing vast amounts of data and apply machine learning on it to innovative visualisations, Instana has challenges for everybody.


There has never been a problem in our admittedly young history of the company. Everybody is valued for their contribution to the company.


We have a super-modern new office in Solingen, which is way above standard. Everybody gets the equipment they need.


Salary is competetive and equity is also possible.


We are not a career company. If employees need further training to make a better product, then that can be arranged. Our frequent conference appearances allow employees to go there as well, ideally giving talks on their experience as experts.

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