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The worst company I ever have experienced. It is full of liars from the top management- Full of incompetent leads

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nothing. Cheaters. Liars. everything is full of lie here

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

everything is bad here from A to Z.


Close your company or sell it off. Its not your cup of tea to manage such company which you acquirred from investors money


Completely political. I saw many who raised made their opinion vocal in meeting were fired from the top management. What a pity for such organisation


Full of communication gaps not only within but even with clients. Many regular clients are leaving their products and going for competitors of Onapsis for good service.


Completely political. In virtual forge time it was much better. But an environment has been created where everyone is bitting every others and every often


There no work. Nothing to learn new. Only routine work even in IT consulting. your mind becomes stagnant


Worst behavior of the top management. They think that you are a servant even if you are highly qualified and competent. They keep ignoring you and even do not pay your bill till you send them a legal notice.

Interessante Aufgaben

All routine work related to their own product which is slowly becoming not that acceptable in market. Nothing new to learn in SAP field here


Totally unequal and partial behavior. This was seen and observed happening with many other colleagues too

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

They don't care for any after work and old colleagues relationship


Very highly political and full of lies


No awareness at all. They got a new office during pandemic which was not used by even 5% of employees. They could have stopped this as they started after pandemic came in


Very uenqual pay. Someone with low qualification getting high salary and also you will find that your junior with less experience and qualification is earning more than you.


Very bad image has been established about the company not only in the eyes of its current and ex-employees but also in the eyes of it current and ex- clients


They don't approve eben a 50€ SAP book

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