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Very gratifying first work experience in Germany! I could not have asked for more!

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


The atmosphere is as pleasant as it can get, from the moment you arrive until it's time to go home you get nothing but a feeling of good energy and a happy environment.


I thought that this was going to be an issue when I started working here, because I was the only non-German speaker. However, I had the luck to work with very friendly colleagues who spoke (almost all of them) perfect English. Also, a well-defined hierarchy made the communication go fluidly.


During my time here I can't recall of any misunderstanding or any hassle with any of my workmates. On the contrary, many of them are my friends nowadays and we often meet outside the office!


I was able to choose at what time I wanted to start working and at what time I wanted to leave, as long as I fulfilled the amount of time agreed upon. That gave me the chance to fit my working schedule with my personal appointments & events; it also gave me the chance to start taking German classes. If any day I needed to leave a bit earlier, I could do that and compensate it any other day.


Flawless! They were objective and understanding, and they shared a lot of common spaces with the rest of the employees.

Interessante Aufgaben

I had the big luck to work at a position that met many of my interests, and everyday I discovered and learned something new. Although sometimes it can get repetitive, as any job, the first prevailed to the second.


This matter is clearly satisfied, to the point that I did not even consider it. Even with my lack of knowledge of the German language and condition of foreigner I took the same tasks and got the same rewards as any of my colleagues.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Thanks to my older colleagues I got to learn a lot about German football, Krautrock and the life in East & West Berlin, absolutely priceless!


Our office might have been a bit messy occasionally but I'd rather see it as a sexy mess! If one thing deserves your attention is that the office is quite away from the center of Berlin; nevertheless, two express train lines take you from the main hotspots in Berlin & Brandenburg in a matter of minutes.


We dealt with so many (SO MANY!) things and even if we tried to reduce waste to the minimum, I do not know how that was treated, so I will give the benefit of the doubt on this point.


As stated above, I got the chance to start studying German (intensively) while I also got the chance to develop myself inside the company. I got the feeling that talent and motivation are well recognized and very well focused.


