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feels like a David Lynch movie

Bewerber/inHat sich 2014 als sales/account manager B2B Frankreich beworben und sich schließlich selbst anders entschieden.


Very nice interview, as it usually is with start-ups. It lasted over 1 hour, when 30 minutes were actually "planned". I had to deal with a "poker face" when we talked about salary. I haven't heard about them since. Too bad. Too late.


  • why did you stay only 4 months with your preivous employer?
  • because the phones did not work and, as inside sales employee, I found it almost impossible to work properly.
  • I don't want to hear about negative people.
  • what are your salary expectations?
  • As a potential salesman within your company, I'd like to make as much as your best salesman. How much does he/she take home?
  • "...."
  • what would you say about 30000€/uncapped bonus?
  • "....."

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