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Very nice company culture and Managing Directors, poor compensation

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Raisin in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Managing Directors are really smart, open and fun
- Everyone is heard if he has valuable ideas


- Company with good culture but make your people feel valued by giving them what they deserve
- Be aware that people within single teams or across teams speak to each other and find out about untruths or "exceptions" made which is very bad for the harmony and culture
- More diversity in the Management team


Friendly colleagues and very open culture across all seniority levels. You can reach out for help to everyone including the founders. Going to work/ to the office is something enjoyable. I feel like this has changed a little bit recently due to the merger


The Management tries to make decisions and changes transparent and give the team the feeling they are involved. However my feeling is that what is communicated is not always the full truth but rather what they think should be communicated


Colleagues are very nice and always willing to help. Team spirit is great, depending on which team you belong to. In my team there is no one I would feel uncomfortable asking for help


Finally what counts is that you get your work done. No matter if that happens in 40, 50 or 60 hours / week. If you have too much on your plate (which is always the case) you'll have to do over hours (which are not compensated)


Team lead(s) are really nice and fair. However, when it comes to important decisions (projects, salary discussions, development, etc.) the decision-making power lies with the heads that are distanced from the actual work, ongoing topics and performance.

Interessante Aufgaben

If you identify potential for optimization you can always suggest improvement ideas and execute. However there is no time made for side projects so it will be on top of all the things already on your plate


The management mainly consists of white, mid-aged, German men and is not diverse at all. However, within the company there are a lot of different nationalities. Men are preferably pushed into leader roles

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Everyone is treated respectfully, no matter the age. We don't have too many older colleauges


Nice office at Spree and Office Management team is great! They always make sure people feel comfortable and the workplace is pleasant


Starting to get involved into this a bit more


Salary (progression) is really bad. You always have to fight for every cent of increase even you were stated a very good performance. There is always another excuse why salary can't or won't be increased, none of them are constructive / objective (such as "no budget" even company is doing great or "others in the company earn much less" or "no one in the team will get an increase". It feels like the company forgets that people speak to each other and early enough find out about the lies.

Over hours are neither paid nor can they be worked off. Only 28 vacation days, no covid extras like in many other (Berlin) companies.


One of the most successful FinTechs in Europe so good image


Yearly training budget of 1700€ is great. However, you are responsible for your development and success. A lot of team leads with no people management and development experience at all. But you can always reach out to HR in their consultation hour and discuss training options.



Lena Huppert, Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding Manager
Lena HuppertTalent Acquisition & Employer Branding Manager

Dear colleague,

Thank you for your evaluation and your detailed feedback. We are happy to read that you appreciate our company culture. At the same time, we apologize that you perceive your aspects of improvement as mentioned.

At Raisin, we strive to provide versatile financial products and services without barriers.
We support this by creating a working atmosphere where we embrace & celebrate differences.
We are committed to encouraging equality and diversity among our workforce, eliminating discrimination, and envisioning a team that fosters and shapes an inclusive workplace where differences based on culture, ethnicities, opinions, lifestyles, and personal choices are valued.

We strive for an open and transparent culture where employees are invited to address concerns and raise questions like in our bi-weekly virtual Town Hall as well as in various satisfaction surveys. We have multiple initiatives to foster equality like the female empowerment forum and the diversity, equality and inclusion initiative, where all employees can get involved and develop further strategies for the company to fulfill this goal.

With regular market comparisons of salaries, we ensure to value the contributions of our employees by offering a competitive compensation package. On top of that, we reward high performers with participation in our Talent Program. Additionally, every full-time employee receives an annual training budget of 1,700 Euros. Individual development needs and areas are discussed twice a year during a standardized review with the responsible supervisor. Additionally, our Learning & Development team offers support with finding the right training for our employees.

We strongly care about the happiness of every employee. As we would like to get a deeper understanding of your specific issues, we encourage you to reach out to any member of the People & Culture Team directly. We are always happy to receive constructive feedback that we can use to further improve and will of course treat any information confidentially.

Lena Huppert
