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A company that strives to be self organised and where you have the chance to learn a lot and grow as an individual

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Finanzen / Controlling bei Savings United GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The responsibility that I carry and the trust that the company has in me. Also I like the mindset of the company, working towards a self organised environment and allowing employees to find a healthy work-life balance.


The working atmosphere is great at SU. My team works well together, in a structured matter and although most of us work from home, the communication between the different teams is great.


The communication is very good, we often have our Daily calls, where we update each other, in regards to what we are working on and whether we need help with certain topics or not. Whenever I have a question, I can expect a quick response from my team members.


We as a team and other teams that I have worked close with, get a long very well. We stick together as a team and we work through bigger topics together. I would say that me and my team work well in a team effort. We tackle topics together and communicate with each other in order to get the best possible results.


Work-Life Balance stands at the company's core. It is a priority of the company and they definitely enable others to live a balanced life between the private life and work life. As we now have Fridays off, we, from an employee standpoint have the chance to get the things done that we might not be able to do in the rets of the week. The employer is also very flexible regarding the working hours of the employee. This allows for an employee to work in a self organised manner.


The opinion of an employee is important and here at Savings United you have the chance to express your opinion and share this, without feeling judged.

Interessante Aufgaben

I have a lot of interesting work that gets assigned to me. I have quite the diverse work load. Every day I learn more and more about the work that I do and I am also given a lot of responsibility.


As we have a few different cultures within the team, it is great to see that everyone is treated the same and equally. No matter the position, age, or experience you have in the work life.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

This is no problem at Savings United. As mentioned earlier, the age really doesn't matter. You can be a new starter or you could be at the company for several years, everyone is treated the same.


Working from home is not for everyone, but Savings United tries to make the work place as comfortable as possible. We have a Home Office Budget, with which you can furnish your Home Office to your needs. You also always have the chance to go into a coworking space and work from there with your colleagues or by yourself.


The company strives to be more sustainable, especially with not all employees living in the same city. We have sustainability workshops and the company does take sustainability measures seriously and takes action, in order to be more sustainable in the daily life.


The company offers a lot of benefits to the employee, allowing them to save costs on many different levels. Salaries are also paid out very fairly.


I have learned a lot and am learning a lot at Savings United every single day. Given the responsibility I already have at such a young age, I have the chance to grow and learn more things every single day. You need to be a proactive person and eager to want to learn more every day.
